- adelarsqSpassu
- btbytesMicrosoft
- ByronBerlin
- crepererumHamburg, Germany
- danil@rocketbank
- datioInfomax Insurance Brokers
- fazo96@flexhire
- futileAachen
- hhattoFreelance
- justinas@gravitational
- kbknapp@seaplane-io
- KokaKiwi@edgee-cloud
- lain1936
- ljcookeMelbourne, Australia
- LuthafEPFL
- miketang84Vancouver
- mishok13@kpn
- mneumannNTECS Consulting
- msiemensVivavis AG
- objectxMeguro-ku, Tokyo
- orociic
- overdrivenpotato
- ozkriff@jetbrains: @IntelliJ-Rust
- phonkee
- pmarcelllBudapest, Hungary
- Racum
- randombitVermont
- sabeyVancouver
- samuelSan Francisco, CA
- sbeckerivDeath By Escalator
- stanislav-tkach
- svenstaroGermany, Hamburg
- wdv4758hTaipei, Taiwan
- zing321A Corporate Company for Which I Probably Can't Say I Belong to While Contributing to GitHub