

1. Introduction:

To relieve the need of data captured in real-world industrial environment, we release the IDS dataset which is captured in a more critical real-world quarry scenarios of industrial operations. 3300 real-world captured images are contained, where 3000 images are split for training and 300 images are for testing.

2. Dataset:

The IDS Dataset can be downloaded here:


Extraction code:zgn2

3. Citation:

Depending on the application, please use the following citations when using the dataset:

@ARTICLE{9893197, author={Song, Xibin and Zhou, Dingfu and Li, Wei and Ding, Haodong and Dai, Yuchao and Zhang, Liangjun}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}, title={WSAMF-Net: Wavelet Spatial Attention-Based MultiStream Feedback Network for Single Image Dehazing}, year={2023}, volume={33}, number={2}, pages={575-588}, doi={10.1109/TCSVT.2022.3207020}}

4. References:

[1]. Zhang L, Zhao J, Long P, et al. An autonomous excavator system for material loading tasks[J]. Science Robotics, 2021, 6(55): eabc3164.