
keepasshttp server reimplemented in Objective-C. Intended to be used by MacPass.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


keepasshttp-objc exposes a KeePass client via HTTP. To implement this functionality, a developer needs to do the following.

  1. Implement the protocol defined in KPHKeePassClient
  2. Pass that implementation into a new instance of KPHServer

The server handles all network communication, and the KeePassClient leaves the heavy lifting to a KeePass compatible client (such as MacPass).

Tips Working with the Browser Plugins

Testing changes to keepasshttp-objc against a browser requires a few steps. These methods return either plugin to a blank state.


  1. Delete all saved databases from the plguin admin page
  2. Reload the plugin


  1. Disable the plugin
  2. Restart the browser
  3. Delete the saved key from the password manager
  4. Enable the plugin
  5. Restart the browser

Important URLs

Name Purpose Link
Mono Used as a reference for partial .NET reimplementations https://github.com/mono/mono/tree/master/mcs/class/corlib/System
KeePass GitLab Mirror Original project is hosted as a zipped source archive. This is easier to navigate https://github.com/dlech/keepass2
KeePassHttp Plugins Repo What this project interfaces with https://github.com/pfn/passifox/
KeePassHttp Repo What is being rebuilt in Obj-C. A fork of kph, with better URL matching https://github.com/mpern/keepasshttp