Familiarizing myself with Scala language using Leetcode problems, and these are my solutions.
Quiz Name | My Solution | Keywords |
811.Subdomain Visit Count | solution | for...yield , Tuple , groupBy , mapValues |
819.Most Common Word | solution | Regular Expression , groupBy , maxBy |
121.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | solution | for-loop , if-else |
551.Student Attendance Record I | solution | Boolean |
268.Missing Number | solution | filter |
476.Number Complement | solution | Parse Integer |
821.Shortest Distance to a Character | solution | map , filter , min , abs |
389.Find the Difference | solution | distinct , filter , ! (NOT) , contains (similar to in in Python) |
561.Array Partition I | solution | Sort an Array (or List) , sum |
784.Letter Case Permutation | solution | Regular Expression , def (function), toUpperCase , toLowerCase , for...yield |
657.Judge Route Circle | solution | map , filter , & (AND) |
136.Single Number | solution | distinct , filter |
804.Unique Morse Code Words | solution | Map , Map.getOrElse , for...yield , distinct , Concatenate Strings |
412.Fizz Buzz | solution | def (function), % (modulus operator), if-else |
520.Detect Capital | solution | toUpper (for Char), toUpperCase (for String), toLowerCase , OR operator , if-else , drop (string) |
Implement a Hash Set | solution | Class , Array Concatenation , List Concatenation , contains , function |
202.Happy Number | solution | (Mutable) Set , While Loop , scala.math.pow() (exponentiation), Type Change among Int, String, Char |
1.Two Sum | solution | (mutable) HashMap , While Loop |
205.Isomorphic Strings | solution | (mutable) HashMap , if-else , filter , char to Int , distinct , zip |
599.Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists | solution | (mutable) HashMap , zip , contains method (in Map) , Array Concatenation |
387.First Unique Character in a String | solution | ArrayBuffer , (mutable) HashMap , zipWithIndex , Map.retain |
49.Group Anagrams | solution | ListBuffer , HashMap |
36.Valid Sudoku | solution | break (control flow), self-define function , Array.distinct , Array Slicing [Array.slice()] , flatMap |
830.Positions of Large Groups | solution | ListBuffer , for-loop , if-else |
831.Masking Personal Information | solution | findAllIn (Regular Expression) , Array.mkString (merge a list of Chars into a String), Array.slice() , String.split() |
824.Goat Latin | solution | String.split , String.toUpperCase , self-defined function , List.exists (check if there is any element meeting a specific condition), String.startsWith , zipWithIndex , List.mkString (merge a list of Chars into a String) |
832.Flipping an Image | solution | Array.map , Array.reverse |
833.Find And Replace in String | solution | Array.zip , Array(tuple).sortBy , Array.sorted , String.substring (string slicing), String.replaceFirst , Array.mkString |
825.Friends Of Appropriate Ages | solution | Array.sorted , Array.reverse , Array.zipWithIndex , while loop |
841.Keys and Rooms | solution | collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer , function/method , Recursion, distinct , contains |
844.Backspace String Compare | solution | collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer , function/method , ArrayBuffer.remove , make a string from a list of Characters, stack |
806.Number of Lines To Write String | solution | zip , Vector.toMap |
617.Merge Two Binary Trees | solution | recursion, binary tree |
226.Invert Binary Tree | solution | pattern matching, recursion, binary tree |
100.Same Tree | solution | recusion, binary tree |
572.Subtree of Another Tree | solution | recursion, binary tree |
199.Binary Tree Right Side View | solution | recursion, binary tree, ArrayBuffer , groupBy , sortBy , List.last |
606.Construct String from Binary Tree | solution | recursion, if-else, String Interpolation (String Format) |
101.Symmetric Tree | solution | Methods with the same name for different arguments, Use Option to allow null values, recursion, groupBy , Map.mapValues , forall , ArrayBuffer |
55.Jump Game | solution | while , if-else |
744.Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target | solution | collection.exists , collection.filter , collection.min |
26.Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | solution | two-pointer |
7.Reverse Integer | solution | math.abs , collection.slice , collection.zipWithIndex , collection.find , Some(*).get , try-catch , String.reverse |
94.Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | solution | recursion, mutable.ArrayBuffer , Binary Tree |
230.Kth Smallest Element in a BST | solution | recursion, Binary Search Tree |
669.Trim a Binary Search Tree | solution | recursion, Binary Search Tree, if-else |
108.Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | solution | Binary Search Tree, Recursion |
538.Convert BST to Greater Tree | solution | Binary Search Tree, Recursion |
515.Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row | solution | Tree, Recursion, collection.sortBy , collection.mutable.HashMap |
697.Degree of an Array | solution | ArrayBuffer , collection.mutable.HashMap , zipWithIndex , Map.contains() , collection.last , collection.head , collection.min & .max |
53.Maximum Subarray | solution | |
848.Shifting Letters | solution | Conversion between Char and Int |
504.Base 7 | solution | math.abs , Modulo operatio (%) , while -loop, if-else , List.reverse |
747.Largest Number At Least Twice of Others | solution | collection.sorted , collection.indexOf (find the index of an element in a list) |
733.Flood Fill | solution | Recursion, format string |
781.Rabbits in Forest | solution | collection.toSet , math.ceil , collection.count |
884.Uncommon Words from Two Sentences | solution | Set Operations , Map |
941.Valid Mountain Array | solution | if-else |