
Unlock the NEW Discord Active Developer Badge on your profile!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord Active Developer Badge

👇You wanna unlock the NEW Discord Active Developer Badge on your profile, just like me?👇


Download the Dependencies to Launch the Bot here:



  1. Clone the Repository.
  2. Create a new Discord Server & enable "Community Server" in the Settings.
  3. Visit the Discord Developer Portal and create a new Application.
  4. Select "Bot" at your new Application and get your Bot Token.
  5. Invite the Bot to your server by copying this link and changing the Application ID to your own.


  1. Open a Command Prompt at the Repository Directory on your PC.
  2. Launch the bot by running the following command: "node ."
  3. After the Bot is running, enter your Token by right clicking on your mouse, once the Bots prompt you to enter it.
  4. Go to your just created Community Discord Server and use the /badge command.

Congrats, you successfully unlocked the Active Developer Badge!🎉

The last step is to visit the Active Developer Page and claim your Badge! (Allow up to 24hr proccessing time after you ran the command to be eligible.)

Enjoy your new Active Developer Badge and feel free to give this Repository a ⭐

Official YouTube Tutorial

Official YouTube Tutorial
