
CS323 Compilers Project3

Primary LanguageC++

CS323 Project 3 Report

11812804 董正

11813225 王宇辰

1 Introduction

1.1 Project Requirements

In project 3, our compiler will generate a particular intermediate representation (IR) for a given source program. The IR can be further optimized for better runtime performance.

  • Support read and write function.
  • Print out IR for given SPL programs.
  • IR can execute correctly in irsim.
  • Optimize IR to minimize number of executed instructions.

We did not implement bonus part, i.e. there are no arrays or structures.

1.2 Development and Test Environment

  • Linux

    • Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS x86_64 with Linux 5.4.0-87-generic

    • gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0

    • g++ (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0

    • flex 2.6.4

    • bison (GNU Bison) 3.0.4

    • GNU Make 4.1

  • macOS (Arm)

    • macOS 12.0.1 21A559 arm64 with Darwin Kernel Version 21.1.0
    • Apple clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)
    • flex 2.6.4
    • bison (GNU Bison) 3.8.2
    • GNU Make 3.81

2 Design and Implementation

2.1 Translation

For IR generation, we designed a class Generator to traverse the parse tree after semantic check.

On top levels, it will do nothing. Most codes are in tree nodes related to functions, arguments, statements, and expressions. For these translations, we refered to pseudocode in table 1-4 in project document.

For example:

// IF LP Exp RP Stmt ELSE Stmt
string lb1 = createLabel();
string lb2 = createLabel();
string lb3 = createLabel();
string code1 = translateCondExp(node->child[2], lb1, lb2) + "LABEL " + lb1 + " :\n";
string code2 = translateStmt(node->child[4]) + "GOTO " + lb3 + "\nLABEL " + lb2 + " :\n";
string code3 = translateStmt(node->child[6]) + "LABEL " + lb3 + " :\n";
return code1 + code2 + code3;

In addition, we created a new map vmap to store variable names such as v0, v1. They are created and added to vmap in translateVarDec function.

Speaking to functions, we need to predefine read and write functions and add them to symbol table. This is done in function_init(). For other functions, print FUNCTION f : in translateFunDec and then analyze and print its parameters in translateParamDec.

Exp is the most complex part in the whole program since it has many branches. Luckily we have reference in project doc. Therefore, it is not hard to implement, but requires carefulness.

2.2 Optimization

In this project, we optimized redundant codes.

For example, in the 5^th^ test,

a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;

And they are never used. Therefore, they should not be translated to IR.

To achieve this, we designed a dependency graph.

First we created a new node class for the graph. It contains node name and its adjacent list.

class DNode {
    string name;
    deque<DNode *> adj;

    bool visited;

    DNode(string name) {
        this->name = name;
        this->visited = false;

Then we generate the graph when translating corresponding productions. It is a directed graph.

For example:

v1 = v2 + v3;
if (v4 == v5 + v6) {
  t1 = 0;
  v7 = t1;

Then the dependency graph is:

v1 -> v2; v1 -> v3;
root_write -> v7 -> t1
root_cond -> v4; v4 -> v5; v4 -> v6;

Then we start BFS at all roots, then v1, v2, v3 are not visited, which means they are useless. And in fact they are really useless because they are not printed or used in other operations. v1 = v2 + v3; is a redundant line. Therefore, for these unvisited variables, we will not generate IR for them.

Therefore, in the 5^th^ test, there is no IR generated for a, b, c.

What's more, we also optimized temporary variables for IF and RETURN when there are immediate number or single variable.

For example:

if (v1 == 0) {
  return v1;

Before optimization:

t1 := #0
IF v1 == t1 ...
t2 := v1

After optimization:

IF v1 == #0 ...

By these optimations steps, we have decreased the number of instructions substantially.

3 Conclusion

In this project, we implemented an generator of parse tree to generate IR codes. The most difficulity we met is how to return and print these codes when traversing the tree. What's more, the dependecy graph is really a challenge for us since it changed many logic in the whole program. And there is an interesting thing that our code runs correctly on our m1 Macs, but failed in Ubuntu. Finally we found out that this problem is about different compilers.