Restourant review App

Frontend, React part

About Project

This is laravel project app. It's a final - 9th sprint assignment in my 5 months long studies at Baltic Institute of Technology. Developing this project I intend to show what I have learnt with laravel framework. Project have 2 parts: Backend - with Laravel framework and Frontend - made with javascript library react.

Task requirements:

  • Create Laravel REST + React application
  • In backend part create working API with Laravel framework
  • In frontend implement fully working CRUD
  • Implement Authorisation into project
  • TODO create authorisation roles
  • Application have to update, remove or update any changes into database.

Built With

This app was developed with Laravel PHP framework for backend part. And Javescript library - react for front end part

Getting Started

  1. Once you have done steps above. make sure you have sat up API. if not do this first :
  2. download npm and nodejs from :
  3. Now you have install dependencies into project. install npm by typing command line : install npm
  4. and run project with command npm start
  5. if you ran seeder in API part it should be admin account with these credentials: password:qwertyui


Project developed by: Dalius Kriaučiūnas Link to Linked In