
React assignment

Primary LanguageCSS

Sprint 5

Introduction Project Details:

Project type: Sprint assignment.
Tasks: Create application with 2 navigation tabs. One of them have to be Shopping List App. Full details below in application features
Website type: React Application || Created with react components. This web app it's just DEMO for educational metters. Made with React js. styled with css styling rules Only Navigation bar component' was styled Bootstrap
This Repository is not contains all required files. For properly working project you have manually install them. For instructions how to setup check Project Launch procedure below.
Author: Dalius Kriaučiūnas Link to Linked In ###

Application features

Project contains:
  1. React-based content.
  2. Application with 2 routering tabs (greet and shopping list ).
  3. Navigation bar.
  4. Shopping list app with these functionalities:
    1. Add item to the list;
    2. Remove item from the list;
    3. Read it from local storage (after app refresh);
    4. *Display Items from localstorage;
    5. *Can add item from localstorage;
    6. *delete item from localstorage;
    7. Edit items from the list(update);
  5. Responsive website (Desktop and mobile).


Project Launch procedure.

You can check Application by visiting

link ################################

Project source code download

If you decided to download this project and use it. Here is instruction how to set up Project instaliation
  1. (*required) You have Clone this repository to your computer.Basic way to do using Git bash command: git clone https://github.com/XElderX/sprint5.git
  2. (*required) Once you have project localy. You need modules, to do that npm install (in a package directory, no arguments)
  3. (optional) For authentic navigation bar you also have to install bootstrap with command: npm install --save bootstrap be sure that you are at correct terminal path. Afterwards insert this line: import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; in src/index.js
  4. (*required) Run it by typing npm start command line
  5. In few moment application will have to pop up in browser