
Rails api boilerplate with devise token auth

Primary LanguageRuby


Boilerplate rails api > update in gemfile as needed

Easy boilerplate for rails api application with devise, jwt, and Users table seeds.


  • devise
  • devise_token_auth
  • mysql2
  • awesome print for printing awesomely
  • rack-cors


  • Clone repo
  • Bundle install
  • Rename using rename gem: rails g rename:into New-Name
  • Create DB: rake db:create
  • Load schema: rake db:shema:load
  • Adjust Users table to include necessary devise fields and migrate- see devise instructions
  • Adjust users model to reflect necessary devise fields
  • update secret in devise config file: rake secret
  • Update seeds.rb to fit your seeding needs
  • Seed the DB: rake db:seed
  • Remove git remote origin: git remote rm origin

Use mailcatcher for catching mail in dev.

  • gem install mailcatcher
  • mailcatcher to start it up


        new_user_session GET    /auth/sign_in(.:format)        devise_token_auth/sessions#new
            user_session POST   /auth/sign_in(.:format)        devise_token_auth/sessions#create
    destroy_user_session DELETE /auth/sign_out(.:format)       devise_token_auth/sessions#destroy
       new_user_password GET    /auth/password/new(.:format)   devise_token_auth/passwords#new
      edit_user_password GET    /auth/password/edit(.:format)  devise_token_auth/passwords#edit
           user_password PATCH  /auth/password(.:format)       devise_token_auth/passwords#update
                         PUT    /auth/password(.:format)       devise_token_auth/passwords#update
                         POST   /auth/password(.:format)       devise_token_auth/passwords#create
cancel_user_registration GET    /auth/cancel(.:format)         overrides/registrations#cancel
   new_user_registration GET    /auth/sign_up(.:format)        overrides/registrations#new
  edit_user_registration GET    /auth/edit(.:format)           overrides/registrations#edit
       user_registration PATCH  /auth(.:format)                overrides/registrations#update
                         PUT    /auth(.:format)                overrides/registrations#update
                         DELETE /auth(.:format)                overrides/registrations#destroy
                         POST   /auth(.:format)                overrides/registrations#create
     auth_validate_token GET    /auth/validate_token(.:format) devise_token_auth/token_validations#validate_token