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This course provides an introduction to computer organization. The objective is to introduce the major components of a computer system, how they function together in executing a program, and the organizational paradigms that determine the capabilities, performance and power of computer systems. See more details in the course website.
- 19/01/2022 Added Lab 1-1 Assignment.
- 04/02/2022 Added Lab 1-2 Assignment and Lab 1 Report.
- 05/02/2022 Added Homework 1.
- 10/02/2022 Added Lab 1-3 Assignment; Updated Lab 1 Report.
- 24/02/2022 Added Lab 2-1 Assignment.
- 03/03/2022 Added Lab 2-2 Assignment and Lab 2 Report.
- 10/03/2022 Added Homework 2 and Homework 3.
- 17/03/2022 Added Midterm Answersheet.
- 19/03/2022 Added Lab 3-1 Assignment.
- 15/04/2022 Added HomeWork 4.