
Drupal 7 module for Xowl service (named entity recognition using semantic technologies)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Xowl-service client for drupal 7

This client allows you to enrich your content managed into Drupal with a semantic layer. You can test this service on-line here: http://demo.ximdex.com/xowl/



  • potx: "Translation template extractor" module allows easy strings translation during development.

Installing Xowl module

  • Install drupal 7 on your server as usual (more info here).
  • Go to the following folder (<DRUPAL_ROOT> is your Drupal root path): <DRUPAL_ROOT>/sites/all/modules/.
  • Unzip all the downloaded drupal modules into this folder. At the end, you must have three folders, named: ckeditor, drupal7-xowl-client-X.X, jquery_update.
  • Access to your drupal web interface using a browser and select modules on the main menu. You'll see the Xowl module at the end of the list, but you can not install it yet because it depends on other two, jquery_update and ckeditor, so you have to enable them first.

Installing Xowl module and its dependencies

If all the three modules are now properly enabled (in green), you are ready to configure them in the next step.

Modules installed


Ensure "locale" module is enabled. Go to configuration -> Regional and language -> translate interface -> import Load local file translations/es.po and clear caches. Set spanish language in drupal administration.

Xowl service

Start configuring the Xowl module. Access to its configuration on the tab called Xowl Configuration above or on the modules list, on the Xowl module's Configure link.

You have to select the content types that your are going to use to write your content and enrich it. Save the changes.

configuring Content Types

To configure the service's URL, go to the another configuration link called Xowl Server Configuration and enter a valid Xowl service URL (default: http://xowl.ximdex.net/api/v1). You will need a valid API token, if you don't have one, you have to visit the link xowl register and follow the steps:

configuring the service's URL


You also have to configure the CKeditor to integrate properly a custom button for Xowl requests with your content.

Configuring CKeditor

CKeditor global profile

Check "Use toolbar Drag&Drop feature" as disabled.


To insert the own CSS of the Xowl module into CKeditor, go to configure -> Profiles -> Full -> edit

Expand CSS panel and set the input Editor CSS with the value Define CSS and the input CSS file path with the following value (change the X.X with your version):


Next to css: Editor Appearance, add under "Maximize" a new item to the list: ['xowl_enhance_plugin_button']

Check the plugins list below and activate Xowl plugin to allow enhancing content in CKEditor

Save all the changes made.


To use this enrichment service, log in into your Drupal CMS and click on "Add new content" link and create, for example, a new article.

On the edition page, select Full Html text format on CKeditor options. Its toolbar will change and you'll see a new button at the end of the third row, pretty similar to a book and a pencil.

Now you can write some relevant sentences and then click on the Xowl button.

After a few seconds, all the recognized entities will be highlighted with a color and a number. The color means the following:


  • Red: People
  • Green: Places
  • Yellow: Organizations
  • Light orange: Creative Works
  • Blue: Other catagories

We can click on it to select the correct dbpedia entity. Now we can save and see on the text became a link to dbpedia uri that represents that entity.



We have been working hard to release this client for the Drupal community. Now we are developing a Xowl's client for the brand new Drupal 8 stable release. As you may know, there have been so many changes between Drupal 7 and 8, so these two clients will have some different behaviours.

You can find our Xowl service client for Drupal 8 here.