- Download APK and Open apk in Android Studio or Android phone.
- git clone and install flutter, connet the emulator or android phone, run it.
Sharvet is the app that contributes to reducing carbon footprints by exchanging food waste into sustainable resources.
When we say the word ‘food waste’, in our minds, we probably think some rotten apples and carrots.
But what we actually find in trash bins are absolutely perfect apples and carrots.
We produce four billion tons of food a year. One-third of them are thrown away before they reach the dining table.
Many foods that can be eaten are thrown away in markets just because they are little damaged.
Every year, A larger area of land than China and 250(two hundred fifty) trillion liters of water are used to produce 1 billion tons of food to be discarded.
Eventually, resources for food to be discarded are depleted, greenhouse gasses are emitted, and the Earth is heating up.
1. Giver
- Giver shares food waste with farmers.
- Giver is mainly a place where a lot of food waste comes from, such as markets and restaurants.
- They originally had to pay a lot of money to dispose of food waste.
- If they use 'Sharvet', they can reduce the cost of disposal food waste by sharing the crops to farmer.
2. Farmer
- Farmer receives food waste for free and feeds them to their animals.
- If they use 'Sharvet', they can reduce the feed cost.
- Flutter
- Firebase (Firebase FireStore, Authentication)
- Open api (Livestock Information)
- Icon
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1. Implementation of consumer-side apps
Implementation of consumer-side apps for customer who used giver’s and farmer’s business.
They can see the ranking and transactions of giver and farmer that contribute to the environment.
This encourages companies to donate harder for publicity.
At the same time, encouraging consumers to pay attention to the environment.
2. Formation of partnership
MOU with Ministry of Environment or hypermarket to ensure popularity.
1. Reduce environmental pollution caused by food waste.
2. Providing educational opportunities and Improving ranch management skills,
By making easier for elderly farmers, who are digitally marginalized, to access livestock information.
3. Encouraging farmers, companies, consumers to pay attention to the environment.