
Primary LanguagePython


This code seems to be a script for launching a Denial of Service (DoS) attack on a target server. Here's a breakdown of what it does:

1.User Input: It prompts the user to enter the target IP address and port. If no input is given, it defaults to '' and port '5000'.

2.Payload Generation: It generates a large number of random payloads consisting of parameters with random values and a large amount of data.

3.Spoofed IP Generation: It generates a large number of spoofed IP addresses to obscure the true source of the attack.

4.User-Agent Rotation: It rotates through a list of user-agent strings to simulate different clients making requests.

5.Attack Function: It continuously sends POST requests to the target server with randomized headers and payload data.

6.Response Analysis: It analyzes the responses from the server and adjusts the attack strategy accordingly. For example, if the server responds with a 503 status code (indicating service unavailable), it reduces the attack intensity. If the response time is too slow, it pauses the attack temporarily.

7.Multithreaded Attack Launch: It initiates multiple threads to launch the attack concurrently.

8.Keyboard Interrupt Handling: It catches keyboard interrupts (Ctrl+C) to halt the attack when the user wants to stop it.