
type checking tool for javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Type checking tool for javascript, testing in node.js v8.9.4 using mocha.

Every isType(o) function has a match function call isNotType(o), which simply equals to !isType().


var type = require('type');

type.isInteger(2); // true
type.isNotInteger(2); // false


Most of the checking function simply use typeof or instanceof, nothing fancy.

  • isUndefined(o) & isNotUndefined(o)

  • isNull(o) & isNotNull(o)

  • isAccessible(o) & isNotAccessible(o) o is accessible while it is not null or undefined.

  • isNaN(o) & isNotNaN(o)

  • isNumber(o) & isNotNumber(o) NaN is NOT A NUMBER.

  • isFinite(o) & isNotFinite(o)

Simply use isFinite() in js to check, therefore, if the argument you pass is not a number, make sure you know how it work.

if you want to check if o is a finite number, use isFiniteNumber(o).

  • isFiniteNumber(o) & isNotFiniteNumber(o)

  • isString(o) & isNotString(o)

  • isFunction(o) & isNotFunction(o)

  • isArray(o) & isNotArray(o)

Same as Array.isArray(o)

  • isBoolean(o) & isNotBoolean(o)

  • isInteger(o) & isNotInteger(o) If the decimal part is 0, it is still regarded as an integer.

type.isInteger(1.00); // true
  • isIntegerInString(o) & isNotIntegerInString(o) Check if o is a integer in string. If it has a decimal point, it is not a integer. Scientific notation is not supported in these functions yet.
type.isIntegerInString('1.0000'); // false
type.isIntegerInString('23'); // true

Any illegal character is unacceptable:

type.isIntegerInString(" 1.00"); // false
type.isIntegerInString("1.00a"); // false
  • isFloat(o) && isNotFloat(o)

If the decimal part is 0, string or number, it is regarded as an integer, not float.

type.isFloat(1.00); // false
  • isFloatInString(o) && isNotFloatInString(o)

Check string o if it contains a float, any illegal character will cause a false result;

Scientific notation is not supported in these function yet.

type.isFloatInString("-2.1"); // true
type.isFloatInString("2."); // = 2.0, true
type.isFloatInString(".1"); // = 0.1, true
type.isFloatInString("."); // = 0.0, true
type.isFloatInString(" .1"); // false, sapce is illegal as well
type.isFloatInString("2.1a"); // false
  • isBuffer(o) && isNotBuffer(o)

  • isError(o) && isNotError(o)

    • isAssertionError(o) & isNotAssertionError(o)
    • isSyntaxError(o) & isNotSyntaxError(o)
    • isRangeError(o) && isNotRangeError(o)
    • isReferenceError(o) && isNotReferenceError(o)
    • isTypeError(o) && isNotTypeError(o)
  • isDate(o) && isNotDate(o)

if o is a string or an instance of Date that will be accepted by Date.parse(), isDate(o) returns true;

Therefore, time is not acceptable.

type.isDate("12:00:00"); // false;
  • isRegExp(o) & isNotRegExp(o)

  • isObject(o) & isNotObject(o)

NOTE: Function is an object.

type.isObject(()=>{}); // true