
Multi-Scale Adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising (NeurIPS 2022)

PyTorch implementation for Multi-Scale Adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising (NeurIPS 2022).


  • Python 3.6.13
  • Pytorch 1.9.0
  • mmcv 1.3.14
  • h5py, pillow, numpy, scikit-image, etc.


First, for testing on real noise images, please organize each test dataset as follows

|   |--clean
|   |   |--*.png
|   |--noise
|   |   |--*.png

and run test.py through

python test.py \
        --real \                                # flag of real noise images
        --save_result \                         # flag of saving the denoised results
        --ckpt_pth ckpt/real_with_jpeg.pth \    # path to models
        --data_root dataset/test/ \             # path to datasets
        --datasets "['Nam_PNG']"                # list of datasets

For testing on synthetic noise images, please organize each test dataset as follows

|   |--clean
|   |   |--*.png
|   |--sig30
|   |   |--*.png
|   |--sig50
|   |   |--*.png
|   |--sig70
|   |   |--*.png

and run test.py for color noise image denoising through

python test.py \
        --save_result \                         # flag of saving the denoised results
        --sigma 30 \                            # noise level
        --ckpt_pth ckpt/color_sig30.pth \       # path to models
        --data_root dataset/test/ \             # path to datasets
        --datasets "['CMcMaster']"              # list of datasets

as well as grayscale noise image denoising through

python test.py \
        --gray  \                               # flag of grayscale noise images
        --save_result \                         # flag of saving the denoised results
        --sigma 30 \                            # noise level
        --ckpt_pth ckpt/gray_sig30.pth \        # path to models
        --data_root dataset/test/ \             # path to datasets
        --datasets "['GMcMaster']"              # list of datasets


To train your own models, please modify the arguments in the train.py and run it through

python train.py


If this work is helpful, please cite it, thanks! >_<

  title={Multi-Scale Adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising},
  author={Yuanbiao Gou and Peng Hu and Jiancheng Lv and Joey Tianyi Zhou and Xi Peng},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


This work uses some packages from mmcv in the implementation, thanks for their excellent work!