Codes for Point Cloud Completion via Skeleton-Detail Transformer

Primary LanguagePython

Point Cloud Completion via Skeleton-Detail Transformer

Codes for Point Cloud Completion via Skeleton-Detail Transformer. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2022. See IEEE PDF.

overview In this work, we present a coarse-to-fine completion framework, which makes full use of both neighboring and long-distance region cues for point cloud completion. Our network leverages a Skeleton-Detail Transformer, which contains cross-attention and self-attention layers, to fully explore the correlation from local patterns to global shape and utilize it to enhance the overall skeleton. Also, we propose a selective attention mechanism to save memory usage in the attention process without significantly affecting performance.

1) Pre-requisites

  • Python3
  • CUDA
  • pytorch
  • open3d-python

This code is built using Pytorch 1.7.1 with CUDA 10.2 and tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 3.6.

2)Compile 3rd-party libs

The libs are included under /util, you need to first compile them where there is also a 'Readme.md' in each subfolder.

3)Download pre-trained models

Download pre-trained models in trained_model folder from Google Drive and put them on trianed_model dir.

4) Testing

For PCN:

  1. Download ShapeNet test data on Google Drive. Put them on data/pcn folder. We use the same testing data in PCN project but we use h5 format.
  2. Run sh test.sh. You should first modify the model_path to the folder containing your pre-trained model, and data_path to the testing files.

For Completion3D:

  1. Download the test data on Google Drive or Completion3D. Put them on data/completion3d folder.
  2. Run test_benchmark.sh to generate the 'submission.zip' file for Compleiont3D dataset.

5) Traning


  1. The training data are from PCN repository, you can download training (train.lmdb, train.lmdb-lock) and validation (valid.lmdb, valid.lmdb-lock) data from shapenet directory on the provided training set link in PCN repository.
  2. Run python create_pcn_h5.py to generate the training and validation files with .h5 format.
  3. Run sh run.sh for training.

For Compleiont3D: You can directly download the tranining files from Compleiont3D benchmark. Run sh run.sh and set dataset to Completion3D.


Our codes are partly from ECG, VRCNET. We sincerely thank for their contribution.