
🎬Watch the Video!


  1. Clone the Project
  2. Extract the Zip File
  3. Either:
  • Import the a PlayerData and Player Movement script into your project
  • Or Open the Project in Unity


🦘To Create a New Player🦘

  1. Create a new GameObject
  2. Add a BoxCollider (or another of your choice) and a RigidBody2D
  3. Add a PlayerMovement Script
  4. Create a Ground Check GameObject as a child to the player and position at their feet (do the same for two Wall Check GameObjects and positon on the player's sides)

📋To Create a New Player Data 📋

  1. In the project window, right-click -> create -> Player Data (at the top)
  2. Now edit the parameters as you like (read the script for more info on each variable)
  3. Drag and Drop it into the appropriate slot in the player, and you're good to go 🎉
