XOOPS Core 2.5.x (current release is 2.5.11: https://github.com/XOOPS/XoopsCore25/releases)
- 0
Error in upgrade file 2.4.x-to-2.5.0
#1480 opened by nicolas-franco-unamur - 3
xoops_setcookie() undefined in preflight.php
#1479 opened by walkero-gr - 1
Upgrade/preflight.php” error
#1469 opened by GregMage - 6
Display problems
#1470 opened by GregMage - 2
Issue with User Search Function in XOOPS Admin Panel
#1478 opened by Neil-hsu-168 - 1
About /include/comment_post.php
#1476 opened by CHCCD - 6
#1473 opened by JJDai54 - 2
<{block id=165 options="cds_xmnews|0|3|0|1"}>
#1474 opened by JJDai54 - 7
Can't login with Firefox generated password.
#1472 opened by Zinnorov - 4
Criteria problem with empty value
#1464 opened by GregMage - 18
Link in notification messages
#1468 opened by GregMage - 9
- 2
Wrong preg_replace pattern in class/module.textsanitizer.php in function xoopsCodeDecode
#1458 opened by robekras - 1
$myts->addSlashes($xxx) No work
#1457 opened by CHCCD - 1
Search of users in Admin is not working
#1456 opened by mambax7 - 5
Profile module - cant change email
#1451 opened by liomj - 3
- 5
Duplicate content
#1305 opened by GregMage - 0
js problem with blocks
#1362 opened by GregMage - 2
The dark and transition themes no longer work!
#1382 opened by GregMage - 1
Bug with Profile - Unable to change password
#1234 opened by montuy337513 - 0
Undefined array key 1 in xoopskernel.php
#1367 opened by mambax7 - 0
Error with the PM module when deleting messages
#1365 opened by GregMage - 1
xoops website SSL issue
#1354 opened by ajaxStardust - 0
$GLOBALS['xoops']->path() and PHPUnit testing
#1349 opened by mambax7 - 1
PHP Version conflict
#1340 opened by mambax7 - 8
XOOPS reads blocks from deactivated modules
#1335 opened by mambax7 - 4
Problem with define "_DB_QUERY_ERROR
#1321 opened by GregMage - 0
Missing icons in /modules/system/admin.php
#1327 opened by mambax7 - 4
missing paypal image in renderAbout
#1330 opened by ggoffy - 2
extra quotation marks
#1333 opened by mambax7 - 3
Fatal error: Type of SmartyCompilerException::$line must be int (as in class Exception) in F:\xampp\htdocs\xoops2511\class\libraries\vendor\smarty\smarty\libs\sysplugins\smartycompilerexception.php on line 8
#1329 opened by Neil-hsu-168 - 3
Break in Install
#1318 opened by geekwright - 2
The submenus are no longer displayed...
#1315 opened by GregMage - 1
PHP8.2 Message: Creation of dynamic property XoopsPageNav::$extra is deprecated
#1293 opened by CHCCD - 2
The "Edit Profile" and "Delete" buttons on user pages do not work
#1243 opened by Andrew-Staves-Activ - 0
Comment on a survey with Xoops default theme
#1299 opened by cesagonchu - 1
register.php have a bug
#1304 opened by CHCCD - 2
Profile config check
#1303 opened by cesagonchu - 1
is there a wiki or a book for learn xoops
#1296 opened by alavaelian - 2
Deprecated code cleanup
#1291 opened by GregMage - 1
Return of ints in XoopsObjectHandler::getCount()
#1284 opened by mambax7 - 0
search.php in PHP 8.1 have Error message
#1269 opened by CHCCD - 2
Phar deserialization
#1247 opened by reddevil-j - 3
Android and iOS emoji
#1235 opened by montuy337513 - 0
In PHP 8.1+, after the installation, XOOPS doesn't rename the /install folder
#1259 opened by mambax7 - 1
Install problem with secure php 8.1.2
#1264 opened by cesagonchu - 7
- 3
XOOPS 2.5.11beta2 - Installation - Database - Warning
#1249 opened by alain01 - 1
XOOPS 2.5.11beta2 - Installation - Directories order
#1248 opened by alain01