
Personal kali dotfiles

Primary LanguageCSS

Kali dots

This repo contains my dotfile installer for spinning up BSPWM on kali linux. The scripts are highly tweakable, so feel free to make your own changes! The currently theme chosen theme is Gruvbox Material with Patched IBM Plex Mono.

Inspired by Victoria Drakes dotfile scripts :)



  1. Grab a copy of Kali linux.
  2. Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/XORMANCER/kali-dots.git
  1. Move to the dotfiles directory, and run the installer
  cd kali-dots/scripts
  1. Grab some matching GUI themes, if desired.

Common tweaks

To adopt these dotfiles to your personal needs, check out some common changes below.


GTK and icon themes

Themes and icons are controlled by .gtkrc-2.0 and .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini.


If you have a monitor which utilizes a HiDPI resolution, alacritty may not properly scale itself. Increasing the multiplier within .config/alacritty/alacritty.yml may help.



The width is set by default to a percentage of your monitors resolution. To manaually set a width, modify the following within .config/polybar.config.ini.

width = 99%
height = 32px

Virtual Machine support

For VMWare users, copy and paste support can be enabled by uncommenting the following line in .config/bspwm/bsprc. This is enabled by default.

vmware-user-suid-wrapper &

Wallpapers and mugshots

To set custom images, replace mug.png, lock.png, and background.png within .greeter.

Why is this included?

For context as to why each file is included, reference the file tree below.


root (/)

  • .gtkrc-2.0 - Sets the gruvbox theme
  • .tmux.conf - Tmux package manager and sane defaults
    • CTRL + SPACE
      • New prefix key
    • VIM bindings for pane movement (h,j,k,l) and pane resizing by holding prefix

.config folder (.config)

  • /alacritty - Contains tweaks for gruvbox theme
  • /bspwm - Window manager
  • /gtk-3.0 - Sets the gruvbox GTK theme
  • /nvim - LazyVIM, gruvbox theme
  • /picom - Default picom with rounded borders
  • /polybar - Status bar
  • /sxhkd - Keybind handler
      • launches Rofi w/ Gruvbox theme
      • launches Alacritty

.greeter folder (.greeter)

  • lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf - Contains tweaks for the lightdm greeter (default login screen)
  • mug.png - User icon
  • background.png - Desktop background
  • lock.png - Lockscreen background

programs (/scripts/programs)

  • <FILENAME>.sh - A shell script for installing programs outside of APT, called by install.sh.
    • Current programs:
      • neovim, oh-my-zsh, pokemon-colorscripts, tmux TPM

scripts (/scripts)

  • copy.sh - Called by install.sh, copies user file(s) to proper location(s).
  • install.sh - Automated installer, installs user programs within /scripts/programs.