
A clone of the game "CrazyDigger" - C++

Primary LanguageC++


A clone of the game "CrazyDigger"


To use this project, please download ZIP file OrRon-CrazyDigger.zip.

Getting Started


In order to run the project you need:

  1. Visual Studio with Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.17763.0

  2. SFML


  1. Download Visual Studio from here. In installation process choose "Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)" at the Individual components tab. If you have Visual Studio installed already you can download SDK from "Visual Studio Installer".

  2. Download sfml 2.5.0 from here. just extract it and run "SFMLInstall.bat" as administrator (extraction path must contain english letters only).

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Prorgam explanation:

this program implement the CrazyDigger game 
In this game there are a few screens defines in files, a player win the game when 
he is able to complete all the screens eating all the diamonds in each screen of the 
    game without getting killed more than 2 time and w/o taking more time than was defined 
    in the file of the screens (if time is defined in the file, if not defined then the place of the time will be -1).

The game is runing on time and so the user controlling the digger can decide
to which direction the digger will go, the user needs to press once with one of the arrow keys 
for a single move the digger cannot go through a wall however it can eat grass, it can eat
diamonds and it can get crushed by a diamond falling on it or by a round weihgt falling on him.
The Digger can also get eaten by a preditor in case it get to it.

Class Diagram - UML:

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Main.cpp takes care of two things:

  1. checking if there are more files of screens to read
  2. runs in endless loop each loop is a full game it calls run() function Game class which execute the game, when the game is over controller return to main with or restart the game or exit , if it is start the game main will delete and reallocation the game which is class Game with all the screens

Objects of the game:

Starting with the basic objects.

There are three inherits in the game

  1. Regular - Class StaticObject is the parent and it implement all the functions From Static objects inherit: Wall and Grass. both objects cannot move Grass can be eaten by digger and Wall cannot change in the game
  2. Regular - Class ObjectCanFall is the partent and implement the functions. From ObjectCanFall inherit - Weight and Diamond - both objects will fall if they do not have any Wall or Grass below them - Diamond can be eaten by the digger both falling object will kill a digger and a predator if the hit them while falling.
  3. Polimorphism - Class MovingObject is the parent with all its function virtual From MovingObject inherits: CrazyDigger and Predator

Class Board is another base object which is taking care of reading one input file and storing all its information in data members. it stores the how the screen looks in matrix of chars and it also stores the time of the screen and the lines and columns

Class Game - this is not a base class The top object it holds array of Class Controller (explained below), each controller is like a screen it holds all the object of the screen and manage the game. The controllers array is created when main call Game to add a screen and this happens as long as main see there are more files with screen available to read.
Game also hold a menu screen where the user can decide if to start a game or to exit, when one game end the user can decide to start the game from the begining or to exit the game. Main calls run() function of Game, run() function starts the menu and based on the user if he chose exit then the game ends and if start then Game call run() of the active Controller and then wait until the controller ends executing the screen and all its moves. then Game based on the state decide what to do if game over then open the menue for the user to decide what to do next and if not game over then it means the CarzyDigger found all diamonds in the screen so move to next controller if exist and copy it the points and the life of the previous controller. If this was the last controller then the game is won.

Class Controller is actually a screen the is the main object of the game and it has all the objects of the game This class manages all the moves and knows all the rules of the game for one screen It has these main obejcts: 1. m_board of class Board - hold all the info read on one screen from a file 2. m_objectCanFall- vector of objectCanFall of Diamonds and Weights 3. m_MovingObjects - vector of all the moving objects - digger and predators 4. m_staticObjects - vector of Walls and of Grass 5. all the graphical objects like Window

File Format

Each file is only one screen
Main() is looking for the following name format "boardX.txt"
where X is a numebr starting from 1 and next file will be 2 next 3 and so on
when main() does not find the next file it assumes no more files or screens.

List of files:

main.cpp - holds the game of class Bomberman, in endless loop call the game until the user chose in the menu to exit Macros.h - Holds all the enums and consts for the program Controller.cpp and Controller.h - holds class Controller described abot BaseObject.cpp and BaseObject.h - virtual base class BaseObject Board.cpp and Board.h - class Board Game.cpp and Game.h - class Bomberman CrazyDigger.cpp and .h - class CrazyDigger Diamond.cpp and .h - class Diamond Grass.cpp and Grass.h - class Grass Weight.cpp and Weight.h - Class Weight Wall.cpp and Wall.h - class Wall Predator.cpp and Predator.h - class Predator MovingObject.cpp and MovingObject.h - base class MovingObject ObjectCanFall.cpp and ObjectCanFall.h - base class of ObjectCanFall StaticObject.cpp and StaticOpject.h - base class of StaticObject

There are 10 ready screens :


List of graphical used files sound and pictures

Main data structures:

	1. m_board of class Board - hold all the info read on one screen from a file 
	2. m_objectCanFall- vector of objectCanFall of Diamonds and Weights 
	3. m_MovingObjects - vector of all the moving objects - digger and predators
	4. m_staticObjects - vector of Walls and of Grass 
	5. all the graphical objects like Window

	Class Game which holds Vector of controller one for every screen
  1. Algorithms: Falloing Object:

     	The algorithm to decide how to drop all the falling objects 
  2. known bugs - no known bugs

  3. comment -