
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


XOwlPost-TicTacToe is a decentralized gaming platform built on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to compete in the classic game of TicTacToe. Dive into a web-based application, where you can place bets on game outcomes and win unique NFT badges for significant victories.

Key Features:

  • Fair Play: Powered by a smart contract, every game is transparent, ensuring outcomes are determined by an immutable algorithm.
  • Video Calls: Bet above 2 ether and get the ability to video call your opponent, making the competition even more engaging.
  • NFT Badge System: Win a game with a bet of at least 2 ether and earn unique badges. The more you collect, the higher your status on the platform.
  • Leaderboard & Chat: Stay connected with a chat function powered by SendBird and keep track of the top players with our leaderboard.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Dive into games, place bets, and connect with players seamlessly with our intuitive UI.

Join the XOwlPost-TicTacToe community today and embrace the thrill of blockchain-powered TicTacToe!

The repository for the project contains the source code for the smart contract and the front-end user interface, as well as deployment scripts and instructions for running the application locally.

Deploying the TicTacToe Smart Contract

The deploy_TicTacToe_contract.js script facilitates the deployment of the TicTacToe smart contract onto the Ethereum blockchain. The script uses the web3 library to interact with the Ethereum network and the truffle-hdwallet-provider to sign transactions.

How It Works

  1. Setup:

    • The script begins by importing necessary libraries and initializing the Web3 instance with a provider. The provider is set up using truffle-hdwallet-provider, which requires a mnemonic phrase for the deploying Ethereum account and an Infura endpoint URL.
    • Replace 'your mnemonic phrase here' with your Ethereum account's mnemonic phrase and 'YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID' with your specific Infura project ID.
  2. Deployment:

    • The ABI (Application Binary Interface) and bytecode of the TicTacToe contract must be provided in the script.
    • The script then attempts to deploy the contract using the provided ABI and bytecode.
  3. Completion:

    • Once the contract is successfully deployed, the script logs the Ethereum address where the contract has been deployed.

How to Use the Script

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Ensure you have web3 and truffle-hdwallet-provider installed.
    • Update the mnemonic phrase and Infura URL in the script.
  2. Provide Contract Details:

    • Insert the ABI and bytecode for the Tic Tac Toe contract in the respective placeholders in the script.
  3. Run the Script:

    • Execute the script using Node.js:
      node deploy_TicTacToe_contract.js
  4. Contract Address:

    • Once the script completes execution, note down the contract address printed in the console. This is the address where your TicTacToe smart contract is now deployed.

For more details on how to contribute, please refer to our Contributing Guide.

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.