
Unity SDK Starter Template - Lite RPG Gathering, Shopping and Trading Systems.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Unity SDK Starter Template - Lite RPG Gathering, Shopping and Trading Systems.


Contains a single scene:

  • 00_Scene_Main: Contains all game and blockchain elements, including gathering (ERC20, shopping (ERC1155), and trading (MarketplaceV3) systems.

Platforms supported: Standalone.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Open in Unity 2022.3.17f1
  3. Create a thirdweb api key
  4. Make sure com.thirdweb.blockventure is an allowlisted bundle id for your API key, and enable Smart Wallets.
  5. Find your ThirdwebManager in 00_Scene_Main and set the client id there.
  6. Press Play!

To build the game, make sure you follow our build instructions here.

Note: loading might take a little longer for first time users as the game sets up all approvals required for all systems using the smart wallet.