
PHP + JS Api for Rescuetime

Primary LanguageJavaScript


PHP API for RescueTime Licensed under the MIT license

See this online at http://rescuetime.derk-jan.org/


Simply place the rescuetime.php somewhere in your website. Require the file and enable the love.


require 'api/rescuetime.php'

For visualisation include chartjs on your HTML page. And the javascript js/rescuetime.js

###Request To do an API request, you need an api-key. Get one here. Create a new request object: $rt_request = new RescueTimeRequest( $apikey ); and use one or more of the following functions to manipulate the request:

  • set_perspective: Sets the perspective (rank, member, interval)
  • set_resolution: Sets the resolution (hour, week, day, month)
  • set_startdate: Sets the start date restriction
  • set_enddate: Sets the end date restriction
  • restrict_user: Restricts to a certain user name or e-mail
  • restrict_group: Restricts to a certain group name
  • restrict_kind: Restricts to a certain kind
  • restrict_project: Restricts to a certain project
  • restrict_thing: Restricts to a certain taxonomy
  • restrict_thingy: Restricts to a certain sub-taxonomy The function calls are chainable, so you can: $rt_request->set_perspective( 'interval' )->set_resolution( 'hour' )->restrict_user( 'derk-jan@karrenbeld.info' ); When you are ready call the execute command: $rt_result = $rt_request->execute(); The request object is re-usable.

###Result You can manipulate the result, as long as the request was valid: $rt_result->is_error(); //checks if the result has data The data returned is tabular and the headers are provided seperately from the rows. Access those:

  • get_rows: Gets the raw row data
  • get_row_headers: Gets the row headers

You can GROUP BY by issuing one of the get_by commands. Does not manipulate the data:

  • get_rows_by_activity: Group per activity
  • get_rows_by_category: Group per category
  • get_rows_by_productivity: Group per productivity value
  • get_rows_by_person: Group per person (only valid with perspective member)
  • get_rows_by_date: Group per date (only valid with perspective interval)

You can WHERE data by issuing one of the get_with commands. Simply provide one value or an array of valid values. Does not manipulate the data:

  • get_rows_with_rank: Gets a row with a rank (only valid with perspective rank)
  • get_rows_with_activity: Gets rows with that activity
  • get_rows_with_category: Gets rows with that category
  • get_rows_with_productivity: Gets rows with that productivity
  • get_rows_with_person: Gets rows with that person (only valid with perspective member)
  • get_rows_between_time: Gets rows between min and max time spent

You can filter data just like WHERE issuing one of the filter commands. Same arguments as the get_with are valid. Note: you don't get a subsection of rows back. Instead a new RescueTimeResult object is created with the subsection of data:

  • filter_time: Filters the data on rows between min and max time spent
  • filter_min_time: Filters the data on rows at least time spent
  • filter_max_time: Filters the data on rows at most time spent
  • filter_activity: Filters the data on rows with that activity
  • filter_category: Filters the data on rows with that category
  • filter_productivity: Filters the data on rows with that productivity
  • filter_unproductive: Filters data to only unproductive rows
  • filter_productive: Filters data to only productive rows
  • filter_person : Filters rows for that person (only valid with perspective member)