Simple Flutter translation management implementation plugin.
- Add the assets dependecies in your pubspec.yaml, these assets should be in the language folder
ex :
- language/
- In the main of your application, set the supportedLocales and the localizationsDelegates of your MaterialApp
supportedLocales: appLocales, localizationsDelegates: blablaDelegates,
- In the asset json, add a translation key/value
ex :
"example": "This is an example of translation"
- In any text, use the translation using the key
ex :
- By default, there will only be english in appLocales, but you can override appLocales before the app run in order to add any locales you want
- The locale used if the device locale isn't in appLocales or if the key doesn't exist in the asset file will be the first locale in appLocales
ex :
appLocales = [
Locale('en', 'US'),
Locale('fr', 'FR'),