
Simple Permission Manager for Synology DiskStation Manager

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Simple Permission Manager

Simple Permission Manager is used to approve some packages' priviledged commands automatically, some drivers packages and other packages need high permission to execute their actions.

User Guide


  1. Download package from https://github.com/XPEnology-Community/SimplePermissionManager/releases

  2. Install Simple Permission Manager in Package Center

step 1

  1. Open Simple Permission Manager
  • From Package Center

step 2

  • From Main Menu

step 3

  1. Click Active button

step 4

  1. Type password

step 5

  1. Actived

step 6

Manually Approve Package Guide

  1. Open Simple Permission Manager in DSM
  2. Click Package in tab
  3. Enable target package by clicking checkbox

Manually Approve User Guide

  1. Open Simple Permission Manager in DSM
  2. Click User in tab
  3. Enable target user by clicking checkbox

Devloper Guide

Auto Approve Guide

Generate Middle Public Key Signature

Prepare gpg key before the following steps

  1. Export middle public key
gpg --output public.pgp --export 'Hello World <hello@world.com>'
  1. Send public key to Jim to sign by root key
gpg --output public.pgp.sig --detach-sign public.pgp
  1. Save middle public key signature

Save public.pgp and public.pgp.sig

Generate Binary Signature

  1. Sign by middle key
gpg --output hello-world.sh.gpg.sig --detach-sign hello-world.sh
  1. Save binary signature

File name: hello-world.sh.sig

    "version": 1,
    "signature": "<base64 format read binary signature>",
    "publicKeys": [
            "publicKey": "<base64 format middle public key>",
            "signature": "<base64 format middle public signature>"
Sign Script

pub_key=$(base64 -w 0 public.pgp)
pub_sig=$(base64 -w 0 public.pgp.sig)

sha256=$(sha256sum $file | awk '{print $1}')
gpg --output "$file".gpg.sig --detach-sign "$file"
sig=$(base64 -w 0 "$file".gpg.sig)
rm -f "$file".gpg.sig

cat << EOF > "$file".sig
    "version": 1,
    "sha256": "${sha256}",
    "signature": "${sig}",
    "publicKeys": [
            "publicKey": "${pub_key}",
            "signature": "${pub_sig}"

Run Command in Packages

## check permission first
if [ ! -e /usr/local/bin/spm-exec ]; then
    echo "ERROR: /usr/local/bin/spm-exec not found. Please install SimplePermissionManager package and active it."
    exit 1

st=$(stat -c "%U %G %a" /usr/local/bin/spm-exec)
if [ ! "$st" = "root root 6755" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: /usr/local/bin/spm-exec permission is not ready. Please active SimplePermissionManager."
    exit 1

## 1. execute target command
/usr/local/bin/spm-exec /path/to/hello-world.sh

## 2. execute target command and store pid
## if need check status with pid, please ensure parent script is root
## or also call spm-exec to check status,
## like: spm-exec kill -0 $pid, or proxy all script to spm-exec, eg:
## for start-stop-status, we can call spm-exec like this:
##     start-stop-status -> spm-exec real-start-stop-status > real-start-stop-status
/usr/local/bin/spm-exec -pid /path/to/pid /path/to/hello-world.sh