XPR React Native Kit

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


To install dependencies:

bun install


Accelerating dApp Development for XPRNetwork

XPRNKit is a React-based library designed to streamline decentralized application (dApp) development and prototyping on the XPRNetwork blockchain. It offers a comprehensive set of tools, components, and utilities that enable developers to rapidly build, deploy, and test dApps with minimal setup. By abstracting away much of the underlying complexity of blockchain interactions, XPRNKit empowers developers to focus on core functionality and user experience.

Whether you're creating smart contracts, integrating wallets, or handling token transactions, XPRNKit simplifies common tasks and accelerates the development process. It’s perfect for both experienced blockchain developers looking to prototype quickly and newcomers who want to get up and running with XPRNetwork faster.

Key Features

  • Pre-built Components: Ready-to-use UI components for common dApp functionality like wallet connections, token balances, and transaction history.
  • Blockchain Integration: Simplified access to XPRNetwork’s blockchain features, reducing the need for extensive configuration.
  • Developer-Friendly Hook: A simple unique hook to access objects and method to maximizing flexibility.

XPRNKit is the ideal toolkit for developers who want to build and deploy secure, scalable, and user-friendly dApps on XPRNetwork with greater efficiency.

XPRNProvider and useXPRN Documentation


The XPRNProvider is a React component that provides a context for XPR Network blockchain interactions within your application.


type XPRNProviderProps = {
  children: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[];
  config: XPRProviderConfig;
  • children: React components that will have access to the XPRN context.
  • config: Configuration object for the XPRN provider.


type XPRProviderConfig = {
  chainId: string;
  endpoints: string[];
  dAppName: string;
  requesterAccount: string;
  requesterLogo?: string;
  authenticationUrl?: string;
  enforceAuthentication?: boolean;
  apiMode: "testnet" | "mainnet";


import { XPRNProvider } from './path/to/XPRNProvider';

const config = {
  chainId: 'your-chain-id',
  endpoints: ['https://your-endpoint.com'],
  dAppName: 'Your dApp Name',
  requesterAccount: 'your-account',
  apiMode: 'mainnet'

function App() {
  return (
    <XPRNProvider config={config}>
      {/* Your app components */}

useXPRN Hook

The useXPRN hook provides access to the XPRN context within your React components.


import { useXPRN } from './path/to/XPRNProvider';

function YourComponent() {
  const { session, profile, connect, disconnect, authenticate } = useXPRN();

  // Use the context values and functions

Returned Values

The useXPRN hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • session: Current LinkSession object or null.
  • link: ProtonWebLink object or null.
  • profile: XPRNProfile object or null.
  • rpc: JsonRpc object or null.
  • authentication: XPRNAuthentication object or null.
  • connect: Function to initiate a connection.
  • disconnect: Function to disconnect the session.
  • authenticate: Function to authenticate the user uring the authentication URL.
  • addTransactionError: Function to add a transaction error to the stack.

Key Functions


  restore?: boolean,
  silent?: boolean,
  onSession?: (session: LinkSession) => void,
  onProfile?: (profile: XPRNProfile) => void
) => void

Initiates a connection to the WebAuth wallet.


disconnect() => void

Disconnects the current session.


  success: (res: any) => void,
  fail: (e: any) => void
) => void

Authenticates the user using the provided authentication URL.



type XPRNAuthentication = {
  actor: string;
  publicKey: string;
  data?: any;


type XPRNProfile = {
  displayName: string;
  avatar?: string;
  authentication?: XPRNAuthentication;
  isKyc: boolean;

Components Documentation


XRPNContainer is a React component that conditionally renders its children based on the presence of a session.


import { XRPNContainer } from 'path/to/xprn-container';


The XRPNContainer component accepts the following props:

Prop Type Description
children ReactNode | ReactNode[] The content to be rendered when a session is present.
className string Optional CSS class name(s) to be applied to the container.
noSessionState ReactNode | ReactNode[] Optional content to be rendered when no session is present.

Additionally, XRPNContainer accepts all standard HTML div element attributes.


import { XRPNContainer } from 'path/to/xprn-container';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      noSessionState={<p>Please log in to view content.</p>}
      <h1>Welcome, user!</h1>
      <p>This content is only visible when a session is present.</p>


  • If a session is present (determined by the useXPRN hook), the component renders its children.
  • If no session is present, the component renders the noSessionState content if provided, otherwise it renders nothing.


  • React
  • useXPRN hook from "../providers/XPRNProvider"


  • This component uses the "use client" directive, indicating it's designed for client-side rendering in Next.js applications.
  • The component leverages the useXPRN hook to determine the session state.


The XPRNConnectButton is a React component that provides a customizable button for connecting to and disconnecting from an XPRN session.


import { XPRNConnectButton } from "packages/xprnkit/src/components/xprn-session";


The XPRNConnectButton accepts the following props:

Prop Type Description
className string Additional CSS classes to apply to the button
variant string Button variant (style)
size string Button size
asChild boolean If true, renders the component as a child component
onClick function Custom click handler (Note: internal connect/disconnect logic will still apply)
children React.ReactNode Custom content for the button when not connected
...props React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> Any other props accepted by HTML button element


import { XPRNConnectButton } from "packages/xprnkit/src/components/xprn-session";

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      Connect to XPRN


  • When there's no active session, the button displays the provided children content and triggers the connect() function when clicked.
  • When there's an active session, the button displays "Log out (actor)" and triggers the disconnect() function when clicked.


  • The component uses the useXPRN hook to access the current session state and connect/disconnect functions.

XPRNIdentity Component


The XPRNIdentity component is a React functional component that displays user identity information and provides session management functionality


The component accepts the following props:

  • children: React nodes to be rendered inside the dropdown menu (optional)
  • className: Additional CSS classes for the root element (optional)
  • showLogout: Boolean to determine if the logout link should be displayed (optional)
  • activeSessionClassName: Additional CSS classes for the active session container (optional)
  • dropdownClassName: Additional CSS classes for the dropdown menu (optional)
  • avatarClassName: Additional CSS classes for the avatar component (optional)


  1. If a user session exists:

    • Displays a dropdown menu with the user's avatar and session information
    • Shows the user's name and actor information
    • Optionally displays a logout link
    • Renders any child components in the dropdown content
  2. If no user session exists:

    • Displays a "Connect" button using the XPRNConnectButton component


import { XPRNIdentity } from 'path/to/xprn-identity';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <XPRNIdentity showLogout={true} avatarClassName="custom-avatar">
      <div>Additional dropdown content</div>


  • The component is wrapped in a "use client" directive, indicating it's designed for client-side rendering.
  • It uses the useXPRN hook to access session information and the disconnect function.
  • The logout functionality is implemented using the disconnect function from the XPRN context.

Identity sub components

The following components are used inside XPRNIdentity:

  1. XPRNAvatar

    • Exported from: './xprn-avatar'
    • Description: A component for rendering user avatars or profile pictures.
  2. XPRNSessionActor

    • Exported from: './xprn-session-actor'
    • Description: Related to the current session's active user or actor.
  3. XPRNSessionName

    • Exported from: './xprn-session-name'
    • Description: For displaying the current session user's name.


To use these components in your project, you can import them from this file:

import { XPRNAvatar, XPRNSessionActor, XPRNSessionName } from 'xprnkit/src/components/identity';

XPRNSwap Component

The XPRNSwap component is a React functional component that provides a user interface for XPR Network tokens swapping functionality out of the box.


import { XPRNSwap } from 'packages/xprnkit/src/components/swap/xprn-swap';


The XPRNSwap component accepts the following props:

Prop Type Description
filters XPRNMarketProviderQuoteFilter Optional. Filters for market provider quotes.
sides XPRNSwapSide[] Optional. Array of swap sides.
markets string[] Optional. Array of market identifiers.
className string Optional. Additional CSS classes to apply to the component.
children React.ReactNode Optional. Child elements to render within the component.

Additionally, the component accepts all standard HTML attributes for a div element.



<XPRNSwap />

With config

sides={['buy', 'sell']}
markets={['market1', 'market2']}

Customs using XPRNSwapProvider

<XPRNSwapProvider config={{filters:{quoteSymbol:"SNIPS",baseSymbol:"XUSDC"}}}>
  <div className="p4 bg-green-400 grid grid-cols-[1fr,min-content] gap-6 p-4 w-full">
    <XPRNSwapFieldsGroup horizontal className="w-full">
      <XPRNSwapSideButton horizontal>Yo!</XPRNSwapSideButton>


  1. The component wraps its content in an XPRNSwapProvider to provide context for swap-related data and functionality.
  2. It renders an XPRNSwapLayout component within the provider.
  3. The component applies a default grid layout with padding and border styling.
  4. Custom CSS classes can be added via the className prop.


  • XPRNSwapProvider
  • XPRNSwapLayout


  • Alternatively, XPRNSwap component allow you to rebuild the entire swap component layout the way you want by using it's sub components wrapped in a XPRNSwapProvider


The XPRNSwapProvider is a React component that provides context for managing cryptocurrency swap operations.


import { XPRNSwapProvider } from 'path/to/xprn-swap-provider';

function App() {
  return (
    <XPRNSwapProvider config={/* optional config */}>
      {/* Your app components and XPRNKit swap sub components */}


Prop Type Description
children React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[] Child components to be wrapped by the provider
config XPRNSwapProviderConfig (optional) Configuration options for the swap provider


Property Type Description
filters XPRNMarketProviderQuoteFilter (optional) Filters for market provider quotes
marketFilters string[] (optional) Filters for specific markets
sides XPRNSwapSide[] (optional) Available swap sides (e.g., "buy", "sell")


The XPRNSwapProvider creates a context with the following properties and methods:

Property/Method Type Description
marketProviders XPRNMarketProvider[] List of available market providers
currentMarketProvider XPRNMarketProvider | null Currently selected market provider
setCurrentMarketProvider (marketProvider: XPRNMarketProvider) => void Function to set the current market provider
refreshMarketPairs () => void Function to refresh market pairs
currentMarketPairs XPRNMarketProviderResult[] Current list of market pairs
refreshStatus ServiceStatus Status of the refresh operation
setCurrentSwapPair (pair: XPRNMarketProviderResult) => void Function to set the current swap pair
currentSwapPair XPRNMarketProviderResult | null Currently selected swap pair
swapTransaction any[] Current swap transaction details
swapSide XPRNSwapSide Current swap side (e.g., "buy" or "sell")
setSwapSide (value: XPRNSwapSide) => void Function to set the swap side
swapVolume number Current swap volume
setSwapVolume (value: number) => void Function to set the swap volume
config XPRNSwapProviderConfig (optional) Current configuration
swapValues XPRNSwapValues Current swap values
updateSwapValues (base: number, quote: number, lastMutated: "base" | "quote") => void Function to update swap values


The useXPRNSwap hook can be used to access the XPRNSwapProvider context in child components.


import { useXPRNSwap } from 'path/to/xprn-swap-provider';

function SwapComponent() {
  const { currentSwapPair, swapSide, setSwapSide } = useXPRNSwap();

  // Use the context values and methods
  // ...

  return (
    // Your component JSX


  • The provider fetches market pairs from the selected market provider's endpoint (currently Alcor is the only supported exchange). You can edit or add new provider using the XPRNMarketProvider interface.
  • It manages the state of the current swap, including the selected pair, swap side, and volume.
  • The provider automatically updates swap transactions when relevant values change.
  • Error handling is implemented for network requests and configuration issues.


The XPRNSwapFieldsGroup is a React component that provides a flexible container for grouping swap fields in the XPRN swap interface. It's a utility component that flip swap fields position according to side (buy or sell)


import { XPRNSwapFieldsGroup } from 'packages/xprnkit/src/components/swap/xprn-swap-fields-group';


The component accepts the following props:

Prop Type Default Description
children React.ReactNode - The child components to be rendered within the group.
className string undefined Additional CSS classes to be applied to the root element.
horizontal boolean false Determines if the fields should be arranged horizontally.

Additionally, the component accepts all standard HTML div element attributes.


import { XPRNSwapFieldsGroup } from 'packages/xprnkit/src/components/swap/xprn-swap-fields-group';

function SwapInterface() {
  return (
    <XPRNSwapFieldsGroup horizontal={true} className="custom-class">
      {/* Swap field components go here */}


  • The component uses the useXPRNSwap hook to access the current swap configuration.
  • It dynamically applies CSS classes based on the horizontal prop and the current swapSide.
  • The layout of child components is reversed when swapSide is "sell".
  • The component supports both vertical (default) and horizontal layouts.


The XPRNSwapSideButton is a React component that provides a button for switching between "buy" and "sell" sides in a swap interface.


import { XPRNSwapSideButton } from 'path/to/xprn-swap-side-button';


The component accepts the following props:

Prop Type Default Description
horizontal boolean false Determines the orientation of the swap icon. If true, a horizontal arrow icon is displayed.
children React.ReactNode undefined Custom content to be rendered inside the button. If not provided, a default icon is used.
className string undefined Additional CSS classes to be applied to the button.

The component also accepts all standard HTML attributes for a div element.


import { XPRNSwapSideButton } from 'path/to/xprn-swap-side-button';

function SwapInterface() {
  return (
      {/* Other swap interface components */}
      <XPRNSwapSideButton horizontal={true} className="custom-class" />


  • The button toggles between "buy" and "sell" sides when clicked.
  • It uses the useXPRNSwap hook to access and modify the swap state.
  • The button is not rendered if the swap configuration only has one side.
  • The button has a hover effect that rotates it 180 degrees.


  • You can provide custom content by passing children to the component.
  • The default icon can be overridden by passing custom JSX as children.
  • Additional styling can be applied using the className prop.


  • The component is wrapped with "use client" directive, indicating it's a Client Component in Next.js.
  • It uses React hooks (useCallback, useMemo) for performance optimization.

XPRNSwapField Component


The XPRNSwapField is a React component used in a the XPRNSwap interface. It provides an input field for users to enter the amount of tokens they want to swap, either for the base or quote currency of a trading pair. This component should be wrapped in a XPRNSwapProvider


The component accepts the following props:

  • type: A string, either "quote" or "base", indicating whether this field is for the quote or base currency.
  • className: An optional string for additional CSS classes.
  • children: Optional child elements (not used in the current implementation).

It also accepts any other props that can be applied to a div element.


import { XPRNSwapField } from './path/to/xprn-swap-field';

<XPRNSwapField type="base" className="custom-class" />


The component uses CSS classes for styling, including conditional classes based on the className prop and predefined classes for the input field.



XPRNSwapMarketsSelector is a React functional component that renders a dropdown selector for swap market providers. It uses the Select component from a UI library and populates it with market providers from the useXPRNSwap hook. The component must be wrapped in a XPRNSwapProvider in order to be fed by markets config provided through XPRNSwapProvider config.


The component accepts the following props:

  • children: React node (optional)
  • className: string (optional)

These props are extended from React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>.


import { XPRNSwapMarketsSelector } from 'path/to/xprn-swap-markets-selector';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <XPRNSwapMarketsSelector className="custom-class" />


  1. The component uses the useXPRNSwap hook to get marketProviders.
  2. It initializes services state with useState.
  3. defaultServices are memoized using useMemo and set to DEFAULT_SWAP_SERVICES.
  4. defaultService is memoized to find the first service marked as default or the first service in the list.
  5. The component renders a Select component

Conditional Rendering

The component only renders if there is more than one market provider (marketProviders.length > 1).


The component uses classNames for conditional class application. The root div element receives the className prop if provided.

XPRNPairsSelector Component

The XPRNPairsSelector is a React component that provides a dropdown selector for available (filtered or not) trading pairs form the selected market provider. It's designed to work within the context of an XPRNSwapProvider.

Import Statement

import * as React from "react";
import classNames from "classnames";
import {useXPRNSwap} from "./xprn-swap-provider";
import {
} from "../ui/select";


The component accepts the following props:

  • className?: string: Additional CSS classes for the root element.
  • contentClassName?: string: Additional CSS classes for the dropdown content.
  • itemsClassName?: string: Additional CSS classes for the dropdown items.

These props extend the standard HTMLDivElement attributes.


  1. The component uses the useXPRNSwap hook to access swap-related data and functions.
  2. It displays a dropdown of available trading pairs when the loaded by the XPRNSwapProvider from the default or selected market provider.
  3. Users can select a trading pair, which updates the current swap pair inside the XPRNSwapProvider.
  4. The component shows loading and error states based on the XPRNSwapProvider loading status of the pair list.



Render Logic

  • If loading of the is "idle":
    • Renders a Select component with the current pairs as options.
  • If loading of the is "pending":
    • Displays "Loading Pairs".
  • If loading of the is "fail":
    • Displays "Pairs shit" (consider changing this to a more appropriate error message).


The component uses classNames for conditional styling:

  • Root element: Applies the className prop if provided.
  • Dropdown content: Applies "bg-white" and the contentClassName prop if provided.
  • Dropdown items: Applies "text-black" and the itemsClassName prop if provided.


  • The component doesn't render anything if there's only one or zero market pairs available.
  • The default selected value is set based on the currentSwapPair.
  • Consider improving the error message for the "fail" state to be more user-friendly and informative.



The toPrecision function adjusts a numeric value to a specified precision, with options for rounding behavior and decimal representation. It's used to format the an arbitrary price according to the token precision.

Function Signature

function toPrecision(
  value: number,
  precision: number,
  mode: 'ceil' | 'floor' | 'round' | 'none' = 'ceil',
  forceDecimal: boolean = true
): string


  • value (number): The input number to be adjusted.
  • precision (number): The number of decimal places to round to.
  • mode ('ceil' | 'floor' | 'round' | 'none', optional): The rounding mode to use. Defaults to 'ceil'.
    • 'ceil': Rounds up to the nearest integer.
    • 'floor': Rounds down to the nearest integer.
    • 'round': Rounds to the nearest integer.
    • 'none': Uses 'ceil' behavior (same as 'ceil').
  • forceDecimal (boolean, optional): Whether to force the output to include decimal places. Defaults to true.


  • (string): The adjusted value as a string, with or without forced decimal places based on the forceDecimal parameter.


  1. Multiplies the input value by 10^precision to shift the decimal point.
  2. Applies the specified rounding mode to the shifted value.
  3. Divides the result by 10^precision to shift the decimal point back.
  4. If forceDecimal is true, returns the result with the specified number of decimal places.
  5. If forceDecimal is false, returns the result as a string without forcing decimal places.

Example Usage

console.log(toPrecision(3.14159, 2)); // "3.15"
console.log(toPrecision(3.14159, 2, 'floor')); // "3.14"
console.log(toPrecision(3.14159, 2, 'round')); // "3.14"
console.log(toPrecision(3.14159, 2, 'ceil', false)); // "3.15"
console.log(toPrecision(3, 2,'none',true)); // "3.00"
console.log(toPrecision(3, 2, 'ceil', false)); // "3"


  • The 'none' mode behaves the same as 'ceil' mode.
  • When forceDecimal is true, the output will always have the specified number of decimal places, even if the input is an integer.
  • When forceDecimal is false, the output may have fewer decimal places than specified if they are not needed (e.g., for whole numbers).