
A collection of over 500 scripts, utilities and libraries for *nix and plugins/extensions for OBS & browsers.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

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This repository holds a collection of over 400 scripts, utilities and libraries for Unix-like operating systems, written in the following languages:

  • Awk
  • Bash
  • C
  • C++
  • POSIX Shell
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Rust
  • execline


To install for your user:

git submodule update --init --recursive
make install

To install system-wide (recommended):

git submodule update --init --recursive
sudo make install

You may change the installation directory by setting $PREFIX.

If you would like to use the provided wrapper scripts, add $PREFIX/bin/wrapper to your $PATH with higher priority than the locations of the wrapped scripts. Some scripts also require $PREFIX/share/scripts/include to be in your path.


If you installed for your user:

make uninstall

If you installed system-wide:

sudo make uninstall

You do not need to re-set $PREFIX while uninstalling.

If you altered your $PATH, you may also wish to undo it.


See man COMMAND, COMMAND -h or COMMAND --help. Simple programs/scripts do not have man pages or help dialogues, either infer usage from their names, or see the source code.

Notable Scripts and Utilities

  • afgrep: Like grep -F, but supports alignment and offset.
  • bspwm-autokblayout: Automatically switch between keyboard layouts for different windows in bspwm.
  • bspwmpad: Dynamic scratch pads for bspwm. For optimum operation, include seq 0 9 | while IFS= read -r i; do bspc rule -a "*:bspwmpad$i" state=floating hidden=true; done in your bspwmrc. bspwm is not required for operation, but the script was designed with it in mind. There is also dwmpad.
  • cast: Cast data between different data types.
  • clplog: Log clipboard history.
  • clplogynk: Use rofi to yank an element from the clipboard history.
  • contexec: Continuously execute a file every time it is modified. This is especially useful if you are iteratively processing data using an interpreted or hot-compiled language.
  • eln: Batch edit or create symlinks.
  • expandpath: Like wordexp, but only expands ~.
  • ffmw: ffmpeg wrapper for common actions.
  • fmaps: Map standard input per given key-value pairs.
  • kdialog: Wrapper for KDE's kdialog to trick applications into using lf as the file picker.
  • latexd: Basically latexmk but more minimal.
  • mapexec: Open standard input in $EDITOR and execute commands against all, modified, unmodified or wiped lines synchronously or asynchronously. Basically batch, but more versatile.
  • maptouch: Map touchscreen and stylus devices to the touch-enabled display. Best used in .xinitrc or as a udev rule. Here's an example rule for Microsoft Surface Pen EYU-000001 and ASUS ROG Flow X13 GVE301RC: ACTION=="change", KERNEL=="hid-0018:04F3:2C82.0002-battery", SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", DRIVER=="", ENV{MAPTOUCH_ROOT_DEVNAME}="ELAN9008:00 04F3:2C82", ENV{XRH_EDP}="eDP-1", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/maptouch".
  • mkparent: Create the parent directories of a path.
  • neomuttpick: Use kdialog to pick attachments in neomutt. Add macro compose A "<shell-escape>neomuttpick<enter><enter-command>source /tmp/neomuttpick<enter>" "Attach With File Manager" to your muttrc file to use.
  • notiflog: Log notifications on the dbus interface org.freedesktop.Notifications. Supports locking logging: after initiating the lock, the next notification is not logged. Then it unlocks itself automatically. Supports blacklisting: certain notifications can be blacklisted and logged to a different file.
  • numsh: A NumPy-like interface for the shell.
  • rgb24togray: Convert RGB24 images/video to greyscale with selectable algorithms.
  • scratchpad: Take and manage notes with vim and dmenu. Can be used with dwmpad or bspwmpad.
  • selfl: Select a file or directory with $MENU.
  • shufr: Like shuf -r, but supports outputting unique sequences.
  • std::unordered_map: Wrapper for std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> for shells.
  • std::vector: Wrapper for std::vector<std::string> for shells.
  • stest: Filter a list of files by properties. This is a superset of the stest included with suckless' dmenu.
  • sumsize: Sum human readable or raw sizes.
  • tglapp: Toggle an application on/off based on hash codes. Originally written for toggling applications with the same hotkey via sxhkd.
  • unexpandpath: Undo expandpath.
  • wordexp: Perform word expansion like a POSIX shell.
  • xins: Like xargs but for standard input.

Environment Variables

Some scripts use optional or mandatory environment variables for applications. Assign either bspwmpad or dwmpad to $PAD, rofi -dmenu or dmenu to $MENU, and the respective application will be used. Other used variables include: $BROWSER, $EDITOR, $OPENER, $PAGER, $SHELL, $TERMINAL, $VPN, $_BROWSER. Some scripts will not respect these as they use application-specific options, such as rofi -font or st -d.

In all shell scripts, if you set $SHELL_VERBOSE to greater than 0, set -x is executed and all executed commands are printed to standard error.


  • Some scripts assume that some of the other scripts are in your $PATH.
  • None of the scripts pre-check for the availability of their dependencies.
  • In some scripts, GNU extensions like sed -i or strcasestr are used.
  • Some scripts were written with only Linux in mind, although they may be compatible with other Unixes and Unix-likes, or may be ported with minimal modification.
  • All scripts/programs are only tested on Linux.
  • C code are only tested with GCC & clang, and C++ code are only tested with GCC. Most C/C++ programs should be compatible with any POSIX/ISO-conforming compilers. Some programs use non-standard GNU/LLVM extensions.


Unless otherwise stated, all software found in this repository are licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.