
Files and text checksums calculator

Primary LanguageC++



wxCheckSums is a simple application for calculating checksums on files or simple text


Options :

  • Main window placement (known position or la registered position)
  • Multiple instances allowed or not
  • I18N or not (english)
  • Can be "portable" if a file named "settings.xml" (empty or not) is created/placed in the application's folder
  • Checksums can be displayed uppercase or lowercase
  • Checksums type can be disabled (application wide, saved with the settings)

Hash types :

  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA224
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512

Mode :

1 / 2 files
  • This page contains 2 identical panels on witch a file can be dropped from the file manager.
  • If 2 files have been checked, a message indicates if their checksums are identical or not
  • Each panel contains buttons for :
    • selecting a file using a dialog box (brows button
    • copy the displayed checksum to the clipboard
    • copy all calculated checksums to the clipboard
  • A "filter panel" is present on this tab to temporary override the enabled methods for the current session only (values not saved with the settings)
Multiple files

Not yet implemented

Simple text

Not yet implemented


Mode :

  • Multiple files : ability to calculate the checksums for more than 2 files at a time. Checksums should be able to be copied into the clipboard or saved into a text file
  • Simple text : just a multi-line text box with checksums calculation "on the fly". Options should be added for ends of lines mode.

Command line :

  • Files to check can be given using the command line. If 1 or 2 files, the first tab should be activated. If more than 2 files, the second tab will be the one visible.

Options :

  • Add an option to specify witch tab should be displayed at application startup