A technical (geeky) JSON viewing explorer for the XRP Ledger.
Early beta of a new (technical) tx / ledger / object / hash explorer I'm working on, for XRPLF.
- Mainnet: https://explorer.xrplf.org
- Testnet: https://explorer-testnet.xrplf.org
- Xahau Mainnet: https://explorer.xahau.network
- Xahau Testnet: https://explorer.xahau-test.net
It's easy to roll your own as the wss endpoint is an env. var.
You can connect to a custom node by appending a websocket location without the two slashes after the protocol to the URL, e.g.:
Lots to do, but the beginning is here. You can view (JSON, technical (!) explorer) ledgers, transactions, meta, etc. and click through, on ledger numbers, hashes, transaction hashes, accounts, etc.
npm install
Configure alternative WebSocket endpoint with the env. variable:
E.g. VUE_APP_WSS_ENDPOINT=wss://hooks-testnet-v3.xrpl-labs.com
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint