Let’s xrOS

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Let's xrOS allows developers to test and share pre-built binary Apps without disclose source code. Our primary intention is to allow everyone to share their creativity without compromising their code privacy.

The release of Apple Vision Pro heralds the dawn of the spatial computing era, prompting tech enthusiasts and developers to start thinking about how to create unique three-dimensional applications on new interactions, systems, and hardware.

Since the WWDC 2023 keynote, social media has been flooded with beautiful visuals and demo videos of visionOS apps. However, with the Apple Vision Pro not yet officially released, it's difficult to try out other developers' creations.

To address this, we've developed the Let’s xrOS app, allowing you to test visionOS apps from other creators in the community, and experience the allure of spatial computing devices ahead of others.

We hope this tool will lead to more frequent exchanges among developers and foster the growth of the entire community.

Let’s xrOS is a visionOS application exchange platform, which will allow you to distribute your developed visionOS apps to early adopters around the world.

This is the repository to download the Let’s xrOS app. You can download and install it on the release page, and play with visionOS apps created by other developers.

If you want to publish or update your app on Let’s xrOS, you need to do so in this repository.


1 Install Xcode with the latest visionOS simulator through XcodesApp.

2 Check and ensure the relevant configurations of Xcode are correct, such as proper installation and setup of Xcode Command Line tools.

3 Download and install the latest version of the Let's xrOS client application from the Release page.


  • Upon first launch, the app will pull data from the application repository center. Once the data download is complete, it will enter the app home page as shown below:
  • If you notice an app update that Let's xrOS hasn't displayed, you can update the application repository center's data by clicking the Check button on the download details page, as shown below:

About XReality.Zone

XRealityZone is a creator community focused on XR, aiming to make XR development easier! We hope to assist creators eager to innovate and delve into the XR world through insightful articles, tutorials, simple yet useful tools, and active but unobtrusive discussion groups.

We believe that an individual can go fast, but only a group can go far. Currently, we are focused on the following:

  • XR World Guide: A journal that offers high-quality XR information, published bi-monthly, aiming to provide a "refreshing" reading experience every time.
  • XR Development Articles: In an era of scarce XR development resources, we hope to share our knowledge and bring a glimmer of hope to the barren desert.

If you are proficient in English, you can find us through the following: Official Website (EN), Twitter, Medium.

If you are proficient in Chinese, you can also find us through: Official Website (CN), Weibo, Jike, WeChat Official Account, Juejin.

If you are interested in what we do, we warmly welcome you to contact us via Email.

About Let's xrOS

Let's xrOS is initiated by XReality.Zone, with major contributors including Ryan Zhu, Lakr, SketchK, Onee.

If you want to participate in our development or contribute code to the project, feel free to contact us via Email.