Ardunio Sketches.
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Hey, I don't know if you already know this trick but you should consider using multiple files for one sketch instead of having everything in one bloated source file. The Arduino IDE makes this very easy:
Click the new tab button and name it however you want. It will create a second .ino file next to your original in the sketch directory, and open a new tab in the IDE.
Move your functions into the other files it creates, these functions are accessible in the main sketch file the same as if they where in the main file, no complex imports needed.
Save hours of scrolling through the big file when you could just switch tabs to find the function/bit of code you want.
It's not very well documented online, but it is sooo useful for code organisation.
p.s. please start using git properly... you could add tags to mark the code commit for each episode. Then note this down in the README for non git users to understand, much nicer than partX folders...
Also apparently this is a thing.
Thanks for that. After Part 13 all the Arduinos are getting upgraded, so it'll be time for a code restructure.