XPay Element for react native is an embedded payment system that allows you to collect payments directly from users within your applications. This package is highly customizable, enabling you to tailor the appearance and functionalities of the payment form to align seamlessly with your app's style and theme.


Seamless Payment Integration

Easily integrate payment functionalities into your app without redirecting users to external applications or pages.

Custom Styling

Style the payment SDK according to your app's theme with customizable labels, placeholders, and more.

Embedded Authentication

Conduct OTP authentication within your app, ensuring a smooth and secure user experience.

Event Handling

Utilize built-in events such as onBinDiscount and onReady to dynamically manage changes and validate inputs.

Getting started

To incorporate the XPay embedded payment system into your application, start by adding the following dependency:

npm i @xstak/xpay-element-react-native
// for live env.

npm i @xstak/xpay-element-react-native-stage
// for staging env.


To use the XPay SDK in your app, follow these steps:

Import the Package

import { XPayProvider, PaymentElement } from '@xstak/xpay-element-react-native';

Initialize the XPayProvider

Add XPayProvider to the app UI using the necessary credentials available on your XPay dashboard:

<XPayProvider xpay={{publishableKey: '', hmacSecret: '', accountId: ''}}>
        <PaymentElement />

Custom Styling

Customize the SDK's appearance to seamlessly integrate with your app's style and theme. The XPay SDK allows you to modify elements' style and appearance, making it adaptable to various design requirements.

 const customStyle = {
    fields: {
      creditCard: {
        label: "Enter your credit card",
        placeholder: "1234 1234 1234 1234",
      expiry: {
        label: "Expiry Date",
        placeholder: "MM/YY",
      cvc: {
        label: "CVC",
        placeholder: "CVC",
    style: {
      label: {
        color: "#3c4257",
      input: {
        borderWidth: 2,
        borderRadius: 5,
        padding: 10,
        fontSize: 16,
        borderColor: "#e6e6e6",
      invalid: {
        borderColor: "red",
        borderWidth: 2,
        borderRadius: 5,
        color: "red",
      onFocus: {
        borderColor: "#C8DBF9",
        color: "#3c4257",

Applying the Custom Styles

After configuring your styles, pass them to the XPayProvider to enhance the user interface:

<XPayProvider xpay={{publishableKey: '', hmacSecret: '', accountId: ''}}>
        <PaymentElement options={customStyle} />

The above styling properties are all optional; you can define only those you require, ensuring flexibility and customization according to your specific design needs.

Element Events

Handle element-specific events to enhance the user experience:

onReady Event

This event triggers when all form fields are valid and the form is ready for submission.

<XPayProvider xpay={{publishableKey: '', hmacSecret: '', accountId: ''}}>
        <PaymentElement onReady={(data) => {setEnabled(data.complete)}} />


Receive data related to the card's BIN as the user inputs their card number, which can be used for implementing discounts or promotional offers.

<XPayProvider xpay={{publishableKey: '', hmacSecret: '', accountId: ''}}>
        <PaymentElement onBinDiscount={(data) => {console.log(data)}} />

Confirming Payment

To proceed with the payment confirmation when all form fields are valid and the onReady event has returned true, you should perform a few necessary steps. First, ensure you have initiated a server-side API call to create a payment intent. This create intent API is responsible for generating the clientSecret , which are critical for securing the payment confirmation.

Server-Side Payment Intent Creation

Before invoking the payment confirmation on the client side, your backend should call the create intent API to obtain:

clientSecret: A secret key used to initiate the payment process securely.

Confirming the Payment

Once you have the necessary keys from your backend, use the PaymentElement to call the confirmPayment method. Here’s how you can implement this in your app:

const confirmPayment = async() => {
     try {
    // Assuming 'PaymentElement' is from package
    const customer = {name: 'Jon Doe'}

		const { message, error } = await PaymentElement.confirmPayment("client_secret_from_intent_api", customer)

    if (error) {
      // Handle payment failure
      console.log("Payment failed: ", message);
    } else {
      // Handle payment success
      console.log("Payment successful: ", message);
  } catch (e) {
    // Handle exceptions
    console.log("Payment Error: ", e);

Confirm Payment Response

The response from confirmPayment contains two keys:

error: A boolean that indicates whether the payment was unsuccessful. If true, it means the payment failed. message: A string containing a message from the server. This message provides details about the payment outcome or error information.

Clean Method

The clear method is used to reset the payment form. This is especially useful if you have a button designed to clear the form or reset the checkout process.

// Assuming 'PaymentElement' is imported from package