
Config files for my GitHub profile.

Hi there! I'm XTL.

I'm a developer,started programming in high school, and currently live in China. I like open source, and most of the time I'm active on GitHub.

Do have faith in what you're doing.

KallyDev's Github KallyDev's GitLab KallyDev's Twitter KallyDev's Gmail

More about me


Go Kotlin Java TypeScript Rust Python C++ GNU Bash Dart

const XTL = {
    pronouns: ["He", "Him"],
    hobby: ["Coffee", "Programming", "Music", "football"],
    languages: ["Go", "Kotlin", "TypeScript", "Python", 'Java', 'Rust', 'C++', "Bash", "Dart"],
    technologyStack: {
        mobile: {
            android: ["Android X", "Flutter"],
        frontend: {
            javascript: ["React", "Angular", "Vue", "Electron"],
            css: ["TailwindCSS", "Material UI", "Vuetify", "Angular Material", "Bootstrap"],
        backend: {
            framework: {
                golang: ["Echo", "Go Kit"],
                java: ["Ktor", "Spring Boot"],
                python: ["Flask"],
            databases: ["PostgreSQL", "Redis", "MariaDB","MySQL","MangoDB"],
            devops: ["Docker", "Kubernetes", "Nginx"],
            microservice: {
                protocol: ["RESTful", "gRPC"],
                messageQueues: ["RabbitMQ","RocketMQ","Kafka"],
        systems: ["macOS", "Ubuntu", "Windows Server", "iOS", "Android"],
        editors: ["JetBrains Tools", "Visual Studio Code", "Vim"],

Designed with ❤️ by XTL.