
A publisher bot. Automatically publishes your posts on all the social media account platforms. Zapier free alternative

Primary LanguageJavaScript

😊 🤖 Publisher Platform 🤖 😊

Your best assistant to publish your contents (post, video, ...) easily, all around the web with 1-click :)

with PBot you don't have to publish every single of your posts one by one on social platforms.

You can consider MBot as the zapier.com free alternative.

Supported platforms until now are:

  • Linkedin.com article
  • D.Tube
  • Minds.com blog
  • Github.com repository
  • Gab.com post
  • Wordpress.com post
  • And More is coming


  • Twitter moment
  • Medium
  • Ecency
  • ....

How to Earn More With Publisher Bot?

It is easy. The bot will also publish your posts on crypto-based platforms like d.tube. It will put your desire links in the description. it could be your youtube channel link, your ETH donation address, or whatever. This will automatically viral your videos because of the massive links!


git clone `https://github.com/mlibre/pbot.git`
cd pbot
npm i


Create a user in the users folder. You can modify the sample_user.

node pbot.js -u mlibre -h -s minds -s linkedin
node pbot.js -u mlibre -c -h


-u, --user

which user (username)

-c, --closeBrowser

Closing browser when it's done.

-h, --headless

run in headless mode

-s, --sms

Social medias




Enable, Disable social medias


Default user, username


# for each github repo:
cd users/mlibre/github/
git config --local --unset credential.helper
git config --global --unset credential.helper
# git config --system --unset credential.helper
git config --local credential.helper store
git config user.email "publisherplat@gmail.com" # this user email
git config user.name publisherBot # THIS user's username
git remote -v
# git remote set-url origin https://publisherBot@github.com/publisherBot/contents.git # THIS user git repo address
nano .git/config
# url = https://publisherBot@github.com/publisherBot/contents.git
git pull
nano readme.md
git add --all
git commit -m "hi"
git push origin master 


No License

Donate or .... 💗

