
about annotation

Opened this issue · 2 comments

wujian100_open 30/105029*100%=0.03%

$ find . -type f | xargs cat | wc -l
$ grep -rn "//" |wc -l
$ pwd

$ grep -rn "//" 
sms.v:466:casex ({resp_cfg[3:2], rty_first, resp_cfg[1:0]})  // synopsys parallel_case
sms.v:555:  case (ram_size[2:0])   // synopsys parallel_case
sms.v:557:      case (ram_addr[1:0])   // synopsys parallel_case
sms.v:568:      case (ram_addr[1])     // synopsys parallel_case
common.v:28:  case(clk_sel) // synopsys infer_mux
E902_20191018.v:194:  //  `define HAD_MBKPT_9 
E902_20191018.v:197:    //`define DBG_EXP 
usi0.v:1066:                case({i2cm_hs, i2cm_sbyte}) // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:2839:        case(txcnt_bits[4:1]) // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:2866:    case(spi_data_size[3:0]) // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:2916:        case(txcnt_bits[4:1]) // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:2981:        case(cnt_bits[3:0]) // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:3071:    case(spi_data_size[3:0]) // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:3555:                case(txcnt_bits[2:0]) // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:3581:    case(uart_dbit[1:0])  // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:3616:        case(uart_pbit[1:0]) // synopsys parallel_case
usi0.v:3669:    case(uart_dbit[1:0]) // synopsys parallel_case
matrix.v:224:// synopsys translate_off
matrix.v:237:// synopsys translate_on
matrix.v:452:// synopsys translate_off
matrix.v:465:// synopsys translate_on
dmac.v:933:    case(data_chnl_cd)  // synopsys parallel_case
dmac.v:957:        //data_chnl_cd[3:0] <= 4'b00 ; 
dmac.v:965:    case(busy_chn_code)  // synopsys parallel_case
dmac.v:986:    case(busy_chn_code)  // synopsys parallel_case
dmac.v:1007:    case(busy_chn_code)  // synopsys parallel_case
dmac.v:1029:    case(busy_chn_code)  // synopsys parallel_case
dmac.v:15707:assign   cntr_blk_decen = ( is_wr_ctrlstt ) & current_rcvvld & (~blk_nu_eql0) ; //& is_blk_src |  
dmac.v:15808:                               //src_single_inten & is_rd_ctrlstt & current_rcvvld   |     
dmac.v:15809:                               //dst_single_inten & is_wr_ctrlstt & current_rcvvld  

rocketchip 3256/45594*100% = 7.14%

$ find . -type f | xargs cat | wc -l
$ grep -rn "//" |wc -l
$ pwd

e203 6797/77766*100%=8.74%

$ find . -type f | xargs cat | wc -l
$ grep -rn "//" |wc -l
$ pwd

In fact it seems they deleted all comments by script.

Most of comments you have listed are synthesis hint. I haven't seen any real comments (I mean make sense for human) in this code.

So I would like to say this code have zero comment.

It seems they delete the comments intently. What's more, some parts of the core are encrypted...