CSE 438 Final Project 2017 Fall
Xueyan Xie, Yaqi Ji, Zhiwei Cheng
Students always have a hard time deciding what to cook and how to cook. It’s too expensive and unhealthy to eat at restaurants everyday. Hence, we have to find a way to help students find the correct healthy recipes for the day.
- The search function helps to search from a API called theMealDB. You can enter any ingredient or recipe name to search. You will get a collection view of all search results. Clicking on an image will take us to detail view of this meal, where you can see ingredients, instructions and calories.
- The calendar function records your meals. By clicking on dates, you can see the meals added from the previous search tab. If you didn’t add anything for dinner today, you will see 0 calorie and no image for the dinner tab. You can also drag the calendar to see different months with different dates.
- For the data visualization tab, you can get a glimpse of your calories intake by day and by week from the animated charts shown. For daily charts, you will see your calorie intake for breakfast, lunch and dinner for today. For weekly charts, you will see your calorie intake for the past 7 days.
Xcode 9.0.1 (Swift 4)
- https://www.TheMealDB.com
- https://cocoapods.org/pods/JTAppleCalendar
- https://github.com/philackm/ScrollableGraphView
- Icons made by https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons, licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0