
This repository contains experiment results

Experiment Results

Time spent on refactoring a single-node reminder app without callback into a multiple-node app (pull)

Message Passing

  • Participant 1 Total Time: 4 hrs 34 mins
Time Programming Task
20 mins Investigate Libraries
5 mins Reading Source
4 hrs 9 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 2 Total Time: 1 hrs 15 mins
Time Programming Task
10 mins Investigate Libraries
1 hrs 5 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 3 Total Time: 3 hrs
Time Programming Task
2 hrs 30 mins Investigating Libraries and Experimenting with Libraries
30 mins Implementation and Refactoring


  • Participant 1 Total Time: 2 hrs 32 mins
Time Programming Task
35 mins Investigate Libraries
1 hr 57 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 2 Total Time: 1 hrs 20 mins
Time Programming Task
20 mins Investigate Libraries
1 hrs Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 3 Total Time: 2 hrs
Time Programming Task
1 hrs 30 mins Investigating Libraries and Experimenting with Libraries
30 mins Implementation and Refactoring

With UMI

  • Participant 1 Total Time: 40 mins
Time Programming Task
5 mins Reading Documents
35 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 2 Total Time: 25 mins
Time Programming Task
5 - 10 mins Lookinhg through the souce code of the task
15 - 20 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 3 Total Time: 25 mins
Time Programming Task
5 mins Reading the task/initial confusing
15 mins Understanding documents and examples
5 mins Implementation and Refactoring

Time spent on refactoring a single-node reminder app without callback into a multiple-node app (push)

Participants are already familiar with some libraries so they mainly spent time on implementation

Message Passing

  • Participant 1 Total Time: 2 hrs 6 mins
Time Programming Task
17 mins Investigate Libraries
1 hr 49 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 2 Total Time: 1 hr 15 mins
Time Programming Task
10 mins Understanding issues and planning
1 hr 20 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 3 Total Time: 1 hr 50 mins
Time Programming Task
1 hr 20 mins Implementation
30 mins Debugging


  • Participant 1 Total Time: 2 hrs 6 mins
Time Programming Task
2 hrs 6 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 2 Total Time: 35 mins
Time Programming Task
35 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 3 Total Time: 20 mins
Time Programming Task
20 mins Implementation and Refactoring

With UMI

  • Participant 1 Total Time: 1 hr 24 mins
Time Programming Task
14 mins Reading Documents
1 hr 10 mins Implementation and Refactoring
  • Participant 2 Total Time: 1 hr 20 mins / 10 mins
Time Programming Task
1 hr 20 mins / 10 mins Implementation time of the first attempt when the document was unclear / Implementation time of the second attempt
  • Participant 3 Total Time: 1 hr 20 mins / ...
Time Programming Task
1 hr 20 mins / ... Implementation time of the first attempt when the document was unclear / Implementation time of the second attempt (no data)