Primary LanguagePython

SA-HOI:Semantic-Aware Human Object Interaction Image Generation


1. conda package install

conda create -n pia

conda activate pia

conda install python=3.8 pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

pip install diffusers["torch"]

conda install -r requirements.txt

2. Other tools

install detectron2 following Detectron2

install mmpose following mmpose

3. Specifically, for evaluation, please follow ADA-CM to prepare another enviroment pocket for HOIF calculation.

Download pre-trained Diffusion weight

Download from SD-v1.5


Single Iteration inference

python pia_inference.py --prompt 'a photo of a person riding a horse' --seed 42

Iterative Refinement inference

python iir_inference.py --hoi_path './kite/loop/round_0.png' --prompt 'a photo of a person holding a kite' 

Benchmark Creation

1.Download HICO-DET

follow instructions in HICO-DET to download the raw dataset, and the dataset should be organized as

   |   |- hico_20160224_det        
   |       |- annotations
   |       |- images

2. Generate Dataset for evaluation

We provide the config files in ./hoi_configs for dataset generation, please run

cd hoi_configs
python collect_images.py --data_type train --hoi_type connect --num 200 --data_path DATA_PATH
python collect_images.py --data_type train --hoi_type human --num 200 --data_path DATA_PATH
python collect_images.py --data_type train --hoi_type animal --num 200 --data_path DATA_PATH

Change the root image_root_pth, config_pth and data_path to your own path, and the generated dataset should be organized as the dataset should be organized as

   |        |-hicodet-num
   |              |-hoi_id
   |        |-hicodet-num
   |              |-hoi_id
   |       |-hicodet-num
   |              |-hoi_id


1. sample images

For image sampling, use following instrcutions:

python sample.py --num 50 --type connect --data_path DATA_PATH
python sample.py --num 50 --type human --data_path DATA_PATH
python sample.py --num 50 --type animal --data_path DATA_PATH

the sampled images should be orgaized as

   |        |-sd
   |        |-pia
   |        |-sd
   |        |-pia
   |        |-sd
   |        |-pia

2. utilizing following different instructions for evaluation

For following evaluation, change the data_path to your data path accordingly

For FID,KID evaluation

python fid.py --distance_type fid --hoi_type connect --syn_model sd --data_root GEN_DATA_PATH --real_data_root HICO_DATA_PATH
python fid.py --distance_type fid --hoi_type connect --syn_model pia
python fid.py --distance_type fid --hoi_type animal --syn_model sd
python fid.py --distance_type fid --hoi_type animal --syn_model pia
python fid.py --distance_type fid --hoi_type human --syn_model sd
python fid.py --distance_type fid --hoi_type human --syn_model pia
python fid.py --distance_type kid --hoi_type connect --syn_model sd
python fid.py --distance_type kid --hoi_type connect --syn_model pia
python fid.py --distance_type kid --hoi_type animal --syn_model sd
python fid.py --distance_type kid --hoi_type animal --syn_model pia
python fid.py --distance_type kid --hoi_type human --syn_model sd
python fid.py --distance_type kid --hoi_type human --syn_model pia

The performance are different from numbers reported in the paper when the seeds for generation changes. For reproduction, we provide one set of seeds in ./dataset, and the performance for provided seeds are reported in following table.

Scenario FID KID(10^-2)
SD H-O 76.44 2.878
PIA H-O 73.15 2.716
SD H-A 56.67 1.950
PIA H-A 53.67 1.801
SD H-H 137.58 3.544
PIA H-H 135.48 3.323

For HOI Metric evaluation

#metric pcs
python pcs.py --hoi_type connect --compare_keypoint
python pcs.py --hoi_type animal --compare_keypoint
python pcs.py --hoi_type human --compare_keypoint

#metric pdd 
python pcs.py --hoi_type connect --pos_dis
python pcs.py --hoi_type animal --pos_dis
python pcs.py --hoi_type human --pos_dis

#metric hodd
python hodd.py --type connect
python hodd.py --type animal 
python hodd.py --type human 

#metric racc
python racc.py --hoi_type connect --model sd -k 5
python racc.py --hoi_type connect --model pia -k 5
python racc.py --hoi_type human --model sd -k 5
python racc.py --hoi_type human --model pia -k 5
python racc.py --hoi_type animal --model sd -k 5
python racc.py --hoi_type animal --model pia -k 5
Scenario PCS(Body)10^-2 PDD(Body)10^-2 HODD(Body)10^-2 HODD(Hand)10^-2 R-Acc A@510^-2 HOIF
SD H-A 63.15 6.18 13.37 16.90 62.22 68.41
PIA H-A 66.28 6.13 13.51 16.65 62.43 69.19
SD H-O 52.95 5.29 16.88 13.40 99.39 69.28
PIA H-O 56.15 5.42 16.82 13.03 99.48 74.96
SD H-H 59.47 10.79 12.20 12.92 99.2 58.32
PIA H-H 62.16 10.71 10.96 12.42 99.6 61.69

For HOIF evaluation, alter to the environment pocket or follow the instructions in ADA-CM to install, then run the instructions

conda activate pocket
git clone https://github.com/ltttpku/ADA-CM.git
mv inference2.py ./ADA-CM
python inference2.py --syn_model sd --hoi_type animal --data_root DATA_PATH --use_insadapter --num_classes 117 --use_multi_hot --eval --resume checkpoints/ada_cm_hico_vit16.pt
python inference2.py --syn_model pia --hoi_type animal --data_root DATA_PATH --use_insadapter --num_classes 117 --use_multi_hot --eval --resume checkpoints/ada_cm_hico_vit16.pt

For more performance such as ANIMAL PCS and HAND PCS, you can alter the corresponding detector(like hand detector, animal 2D detector) in mmpose for evaluation.


We gratefully thank the diffusers, ADA-CM, mmpose and Detectron2 for open-sourcing their code.