
Bayesian optimization with Standard Gaussian Processes on high dimensional benchmarks

Primary LanguagePython

Standard Gaussian Process is All You Need for High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization

This repository provides code for our paper: Standard Gaussian Process is All You Need for High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization. In our paper, we argued that Standard GP is by far the most robust surrogate model for HDBO.


Setting environment

NOTE: This code need several repositories for realworld benchmarks, and there will be some dependency conflicts. Please just ignore them.

First, create a conda env and install LassoBench and NASLib.

conda create -n gp_env python=3.8
conda activate gp_env
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

git clone https://github.com/ksehic/LassoBench.git
git clone https://github.com/automl/NASLib.git

# First install LassoBench, then NASLib
cd LassoBench
pip install -e .
cd ..

# Please consider change requirements.txt as described in Troubleshooting
cd NASLib 
pip install -e .
cd ..

# Finally, install this repo
pip install -e .


If you have trouble installing NASLib, then modify their requirements.txt. Change numpy>=1.22.0 to numpy==1.22.0.

For Windows users, if installation might fail due to grakel, please change grakel==0.1.8 to grakel==0.1.10 in NASLib requirements.txt

Download data and executables

  1. For mopta, download from Here. If your machine is amd64, use this link. And put it under Standard-BO/benchmark/data.
  2. For SVM, download from Here. And put the .csv file under Standard-BO/benchmark/data.
  3. For NAS201, download nb201_cifar100_full_training.pickle from Here. And put it under /NASLib/naslib/data/.

Running experiments

We wrote our run script Standard-BO/baselines/run_script.py in a way that could be efficiently run on HPC with Slurm.

python run_script.py --index=${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}

where index corresponds to the index define in experiment list.

def all_configs():
    config_list = []
    for seed in range(10):
        for model_name in ['GP_ARD', 'GP', 'GP_ARD_PYRO', 'GP_PYRO', 'SaasBO_MAP']:
            for func_name in ['mopta08', 'rover', 'nas201', 'dna', 'SVM', 'Ackley', 'Ackley150', 'StybTang_V1',
                              'Rosenbrock_V1', 'Rosenbrock100_V1', 'Hartmann6']:
                for beta in [1.5]:
                    for if_softplus in [True]:
                        config = Config(func_name, model_name, seed, beta, if_softplus)
    return config_list

Here is a sample SBATCH File for running all experiments,

#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --output=./GP_ARD_output/%x_%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --error=./GP_ARD_output/%x_%A_%a.err
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=16GB
#SBATCH --time=10:00:00
#SBATCH --array=0-549

module purge;

singularity exec --overlay /scratch/zx581/BO/overlay-15GB-500K.ext3:ro  /scratch/work/public/singularity/cuda11.8.86-cudnn8.7-devel-ubuntu22.04.2.sif /bin/bash -c "
source /ext3/env.sh;
conda activate *YOUR ENV NAME*;
cd *PATH TO run_script.py*;
python run_script.py --index=${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID};


We provided 3 BO loops for standard GP in Standard-BO/baselines/BO_loop.py:

  1. BO with standard GP, trained with MLE: BO_loop_GP(dataset, seed, num_step=200, beta=1.5, if_ard=False, if_softplus=True, acqf_type="UCB"). if_ard controls if ARD kernel is used. if_softplus controls the positive constraint, whether SOFTPLUS or EXP. The default acqf is UCB.
  2. BO with standard GP, and NUTS sampling: BO_loop_GP_pyro(dataset, seed, num_step=200, beta=1.0, if_ard=False, if_softplus=True). Our default warmup steps and samples are 512 and 256. One could modify those in model.train_model(warmup_steps=512, num_samples=256).
  3. SaasBO with MAP: We implemented SaasBO with MAP estimator based on their implementation details. BO_loop_SaasBO_MAP(dataset, num_step=200, acqf="EI").


Here are the references for the code of previous real world benchmarks that are used in our experiments:

  1. SVM, Mopta08 are taken from BAxUS.
  2. Rover is taken from EBO.
  3. NAS201 is taken from MCTS-VS.

We really appreciate their contribution! Especially BAxUS authors, they created the links to download those executables.


If you find our work or code useful in your research, you could cite those with following Bibtex:

      title={Standard Gaussian Process is All You Need for High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization}, 
      author={Zhitong Xu and Shandian Zhe},