WinREPL is a "read-eval-print loop" shell on Windows that is useful for testing/learning x86 and x64 assembly.

Primary LanguageC++zlib LicenseZlib


WinREPL is a "read-eval-print loop" shell on Windows that is useful for testing/learning x86 and x64 assembly.



WinREPL is a debugger (parent process) that hollows out a copy of itself (child process).

  1. Parent process retrieves input from the user
  2. Machine code is generated with the ASMTK library
  3. Resulting bytes are written to a child process thread context
  4. Child process thread is resumed
  5. Parent process polls for debug events


Multiple assembly mnemonics can be executed on a single line by separating with semi-colons. Refer to ASMTK documentation for other syntactic sugar.

Besides being a raw assembler, there are a few extra commands.

.help                   Show this help screen.
.registers              Show more detailed register info.
.read addr size         Read from a memory address.
.write addr hexdata     Write to a memory address.
.allocate size          Allocate a memory buffer.
.loadlibrary path       Load a DLL into the process.
.kernel32 func          Get address of a kernel32 export.
.shellcode hexdata      Execute raw shellcode.
.peb                    Loads PEB into accumulator.
.reset                  Start a new environment.
.quit                   Exit the program.

The following commands are not yet implemented but on the Todo list:

.dep addr size [0/1]    Enable or disable NX-bit.
.stack                  Dump current stack memory contents.
.string data            Push a string onto the stack.
.errno                  Get last error code in child process.


ZLIB license. Original project was removed and this is a reupload.