Greengroove's Loot Filter Scripts for Path of Exile

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  • A complete filter overview reference manual is available here.
  • Fully compatible with Filterblast. FILTERBLAST IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY CUSTOMIZATION APPLICATION COMPATIBLE WITH MY FILTER! I will update the info if there are changes.

A general recommendation is to only use the leveling filter for races, start of a challenge league or when you level a new character. When you play with a fully geared character the Endgame filter will be much better. If you have a reasonable amount of magic find or wealth, you can use the MF filter. A custom version however, will almost always perform best.

  • Leveling filter is good for the start of a challenge league and Racing. It includes the racing filter and can be used all the way to level 100. Shows most items. Customization is encouraged.
  • Leveling filter - FOR CASTERS Same as the regular leveling filter except that normal and magic leveling weapons are hidden.
  • Endgame filter is good for general use (avoid for racing). It filters mediocre items. Use this when you don't care so much about leveling items anymore. Safe for endgame and maps.
  • Magic Find (MF) filter hides most items. Use this if you really don't want to identify more rares than you "have to". It will hide all non essential items. All other than top base rares, 83 / 84+ crafting items, RGB items, all non unique flasks, hammers for chisel recipe, Scraps, Whetstones, Baubles, Wisdom and Portal Scrolls and more... This version is active when both the "Leveling" and "Endgame" blocks are disabled. You can still edit the lists for rare items and remove things manually.



  • Color and sound themes, with easy customization!
  • Don't think, just pick up green and pink stuff. Think about picking yellow and other things.
  • Hear sounds for all drops that matter. There are 4 different sounds (4 tiers of drops, long sounds are good). 1 additional sound just for Divination cards and 1 sound for top tier racing items.
  • You will always know if you drop corrupted items that may interest you!
  • Complete racing filter! You can (should) customize for specific classes.
  • Lower bases and flasks get filtered out as you progress for less clutter.
  • Large text for many items; Easy pick up.
  • Hidden items labeling. Use the "Alt" key from time to time to find extra loot.

Detailed information is available on the Official forum thread. You can see the filter in action on my Youtube and Twitch channel.


  • Customization also possible with Notepad (or a similar application) with find and replace function. Not recommended.
  • Filter comes with a few color and sound themes.

Check the video tutorials on Youtube. More information also available on the Official forum thread.



There's a free auto update script that works with AutoHotkey. Get it here. It will make sure to keep all your filter files up to date. Across multiple filters and filter versions.


  • Download or copy the filter file to: "system drive":\Users\"Your username"\My Documents\My Games\Path of Exile

You can also access this folder from the game's UI options. On the very bottom see the button "Show folder" If you click that, the folder will open in a new window.

  • In game go to Options > UI > List of Item Filters.
  • Press reload if your filter is not present.
  • Select filter; If the status message says „Item Filter loaded successfully“ you are done. If you get an error message there must be an error in the filter on the line described by the error message.

Downloading the files is always the best choice. But If you copy and paste the code to Notepad make sure sure you save as with UTF-8 encoding and NOT ASCII. If you save the code as ASCII the filter will return an error and it won't work.