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[varqus] Time Evolution of Quantums Systems using Quantum Variational Algorithms
#105 opened by MarianaNvrr - 0
[ENTRY] Infinite QDev's Quantum Algorithm Replication of Entanglment-Enabled Universal Quantum Cloning in a Circuit
#144 opened by ethraj2001 - 0
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[ENTRY] Quantum Graph Neural Networks
#141 opened by amirebrahimi - 0
Quantum quenches and XXZ model
#142 opened by ArunM10 - 0
[ENTRY] Qamuy excited state calculation benchmark
#140 opened by Raijeku - 0
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Using Quantum Computers to play Wordle
#134 opened by jsistos - 0
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Extending Adaptive Methods for Finding an Optimal Circuit Ansatze in VQE Optimization
#137 opened by camponogaraviera - 0
[ENTRY] Fast Hamiltonian Simulation
#136 opened by Kushargs - 0
#135 opened by FerjaniMY - 1
#110 opened by Alfaxad - 0
[ENTRY] Your Project Title
#133 opened by artem-phys - 0
Inside a Quantum TARDIS
#132 opened by Daniel-Lomazov - 0
Showing that Helium is Monatomic Using PennyLane
#131 opened by jli0108 - 0
Creating Quantum Utility Maximization Problems using Quantum Reinforcement Learning
#130 opened by FinnyLime - 0
Enhanced Quantum Autoencoders for anomaly detection
#129 opened by baczyk1 - 2
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[ENTRY] Your Project Title
#127 opened by FinnyLime - 0
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[ENTRY] [Amazon Braket Challenge] [Hybrid Algorithms Challenge] [Quantum Finance Challenge] Cryptocurrency Forecasting with Quantum Machine Learning
#126 opened by emilystamm - 0
[ENTRY] N-queens using QAOA
#124 opened by sagnikb - 0
[IBM Qiskit Challenge][Google Quantum AI Research Challenge][Hybrid Algorithms Challenge][QAOA Challenge][Quantum Entrepreneur Challenge][Quantum Finance Challenge]Quantum-Counselor-for-Portfolio-Investment
#122 opened by MaldoAlberto - 0
[ENTRY] Using quantum-classical Wasserstein GANs for credit card fraud detection
#123 opened by achuchmala - 2
[ENTRY] Simulation of anyons within the toric code model (based on "Realizing topologically ordered states on a quantum processor" paper)
#107 opened by Randl - 0
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[IBM Qiskit Challenge][ Hybrid Algorithms Challenge][QAQA challenge][ Science Challenge][Young Scientist Challenge] Galaxy Detection by Quantum Machine Learning
#116 opened by BrightSky77 - 1
Exploring the Potential Energy Surface (PES) of a Molecule with a Problem-Inspired Ansatz
#97 opened by cheechonghian - 1
[WingCode] Quantum Scam Finder
#111 opened by WingCode - 0
[ENTRY] Solving binding energies for the ground state protease in SARS-Cov-2 using VQE and Hartree-Fock approximation
#118 opened by Agurk2 - 0
QBeC, a python library to simulate dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates using Quantum computer
#117 opened by wait-a-sec - 1
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[ENTRY] Brain Tumor Recognition from CT Scans [Bio-QML Challenge] [Hybrid Algorithms Challenge]
#112 opened by mdsinar - 1
[ENTRY] Quantum RNA Folding
#114 opened by nooloop - 1
Forex/COVID Forecasting with Variational Quantum AutoRegressive (VQAR)
#113 opened by toshi-koike-akino - 1
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Vehicle Routing Problem using QAOA
#108 opened by Amey-2002 - 1
[ENTRY] Automunge
#106 opened by gatorwatt - 1
[ENTRY] PortfolioRebalancing
#104 opened by gopalm-ai - 1
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Portfolio Optimization Based on QAOA
#102 opened by Qming1368 - 1
Quantum Music
#101 opened by toshi-koike-akino - 1
[ENTRY] Testbed for Quantum Codes
#99 opened by t1491625 - 1
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Quantum Computing -based Optimization for Sustainable Data Workflows in Cloud Infrastructures
#96 opened by valterUo - 1