This repository contains the source code used to produce the results presented in the paper "Machine learning method for state preparation and gate synthesis on photonic quantum computers".
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- adarsh-anand15Pune
- anupammeUniversity of Edinburgh
- bobdadada
- brandeath
- CanePunmaPwC
- casperfrx
- ChenChengKuanBoston, Massachusetts
- co9olguy@XanaduAI
- csqphy
- emerali@PIQuIL
- gcamerliParis
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- HackerKang
- huversEast Coast
- j40903272NVIDIA
- jd-hernandezEncora, Inc.
- jhafford
- johndpopeSydney
- josh146@XanaduAI
- KanSakamoto
- lazyoracle@qruise-ai
- liuzhenqi77@netneurolab
- m-pedroAI, Machine Learning, AGI
- MarXiong
- mehmedes
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- peterwittek
- RahulBhalleyFreelancer
- rockettotLincoln NE
- sethuiyer
- speller26@aws
- tony-blakeAPC Microbiome Institute
- wangleiphyInstitute of Physics, CAS
- xuanhan863Los Angeles, USA
- zackgoworita
- zedin27San Francisco, CA