- 00mjk
- 5Y5TEMGoogle
- anupammeUniversity of Edinburgh
- artix41University College of London (UCL)
- ATanggara
- berquistSandia National Laboratories
- caifengsteven
- co9olguy@XanaduAI
- crosstuckself taught
- DaveDRobertsUniversity of Bristol
- dsuess@Nearmap
- elgertamEngineer & Architect
- elib20
- emaballarinDept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society
- emerali@PIQuIL
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- gopalm-ai
- hurryingauto3New York University
- ixfoduap
- jd-hernandezEncora, Inc.
- josh146@XanaduAI
- jtskowronek
- JulianMuenzberg
- m-pedroAI, Machine Learning, AGI
- mariaschuld
- nagarjunkp
- nuzumco
- paraskukEPAM Systems
- peterwittek
- QPIpattern
- stjordanisGreece
- sylviemonetPeking University
- thisac@dwavesystems
- trbromleyXanadu
- wangleiphyInstitute of Physics, CAS
- ziofilXanadu Quantum Technologies