
This is a clone of Wise Web Application(The cheap, fast way to send money abroad)

Primary LanguagePHP

Wise(Clone) Logo Wise(Clone)

This project was created based on Trial 1 Mission requirements for the Simba Coding Project.

About Wise(Clone)

This is a clone of Wise Web Application (The cheap, fast way to send money abroad). This web application features the following:

  1. A login page.
  2. A registration page.
  3. A dashboard page, where transactions will be listed.
  4. A transaction page.
  5. API integration to get current exchange rate from Free Currency Converter API.
  6. A method to record failed transactions.
  7. A button to refund dollar account.

Wise(Clone) Application Development Procedures

  1. CD into the application root directory with your command prompt/terminal/git bash.

  2. Run cp .env.example .env.

  3. Inside .env file, setup database, mail and other configurations.

  4. Run composer install.

  5. Run php artisan key:generate command.

  6. Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed command.

  7. Run php artisan serve command.

Login credentials

URL: Wise(Clone) Web Application

Email: user@wiseclone.com

Password: password

Project Screenshots

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3