

Some Features

  • Lua Script Support
  • Runtime Shader Creation
  • Runtime Shader Compiling
  • Runtime Shader Changes watcher thread -> automatically compiles the changed shader in runtime
  • PBR Material System (Channel and non channel packed)
  • Runtime GLTF/Obj Model Loading
  • Runtime Texture Loading/Swapping
  • .ktx Texture Loading

What do i want to get out of this project?

First of all i want to setup a working runtime shader editor and abstract vulkan.

I would like to have support for multiple Shader languages. The first one on the list is Slang (next to GLSL).



  • Rework Render System to have better material instancing
  • Shadow Mapping
  • Deferred Rendering
  • Object Picking for Object Manipulation
  • Scene Graph
  • Scene Serialization
  • Scene Deserialization
  • Make 2 types of Descriptor Allocators (Each Frame (Dynamic Descriptor Sets) and One Time (Static Descriptor Sets))