
Now You can Verify Bot or Human to Join this server

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


this plugin can help to verify bot or human for Pocketmine 4.0.0





  • Captcha code are Random Generate
  • can set max attempt
  • Captcha in Image Map
  • Cancel move / cmd if you haven't written the captcha correctly
  • can set background color
  • can set text color
  • can set for first join only
  • can set session time for captcha code
  • can set if attempt reach max regenerate new or kick


  • Max Time to Input code
  • do you have any ideas?


# Text Captcha Color
# Can use § or & or TextFormat ( GRAY etc )
text-color: "§f"

# Background Captcha Color
# Can use § or & or TextFormat ( GRAY etc )
background-color: "§b"

# Add Number in Captcha?
number: true

# maximum attempt when captcha
max-attempt: 3

# Mode if the Attempt reach max
# Mode: kick ( if there are too many wrong captcha code )
# Mode: regenerate ( Regenerate new Captcha code when many wrong captcha code )
mode: "regenerate"

# Message when kick
kick: "§cyou have tried many captcha code but it's wrong, please join again"

# Message when regenerate
regenerate: "§cyou have tried many captcha code but it's wrong, \n§aregenerating new code please wait 3 seconds"

# cancel move if the player has not written the captcha?
cancel-move: true

# can command? if the player has not written the captcha?
can-command: false

# Add Captcha Only on First Joined?
# if true then session time will be disabled
first-join: false

# Session time for players to enter captcha again
# when join
# In Seconds ( 3600 is 1 Hours )
session: 3600

# Execute cmd Message
cmd-message: "§cPlease write captcha before run a commands!"

# Input code Message
input-code: "§aPlease write down the captcha in your hand \n §aTo identify you as a bot or not"

# Wrong code Message
wrong-code: "§cCaptcha code is Wrong! try again!"

# Correct Code Message
correct-code: "you have entered the correct captcha code!, happy playing"

# Tip message
tip-message: "§cplease complete the captcha"

Additional Notes

  • If you find bugs or want to give suggestions, please visit here
  • Icons By flaticon.com