Last Updated: 10 Oct. 2022
Code Author: Alex J. Chan (
This repo is pip installable - clone it, optionally create a virtual env, and install it:
git clone
cd synthetic-model-combination
pip install -e .
All RNG seeds are set in scripts and pretrained models provided so they should produce exact results.
Requirements to run experiments can be found in 'requirements/requirements.txt', using Python 3.8.8.
Running the following Jupyter notebooks go through the synthetic regression example from scratch:
To produce Figure 5, run:
python smc/experiments/
Which uses results generated from:
python smc/experiments/
This script loads results and pretrained models for both the ensemble members and the SMC representation which can themselves be trained with the following scripts respectively:
python smc/experiments/
python smc/experiments/
To produce Table 2, run:
python smc/experiments/
Which will print results to the console but also save to 'vanc_results.csv'.
If you use this software please cite as follows:
title={Synthetic Model Combination: An Instance-wise Approach to Unsupervised Ensemble Learning},
author={Alex James Chan and Mihaela van der Schaar},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},