
The Sherlock plagiarism detection software from Warwick DCS. Now we are trying to add some new features.

Primary LanguageJava



The latest built documentation can be found at: https://dcs-sherlock.github.io/Sherlock/

User guide can be found at: https://github.com/DCS-Sherlock/Sherlock/wiki


  • JDK 21
  • Gradle 8.7

IDEA support

The gradle project comes with IntelliJ IDEA support. To use:

New project from existing sources -> Import project -> Import project from external model -> gradle -> uncheck "Create seperate module per source set"


To build Sherlock use gradlew(.bat) build.

The standard and development jars, along with the war file for running Sherlock on a server, will be built into the ./build/out/ directory.


The compiled jar is executable and can be run either by double-clicking in most operating systems, or using the java -jar Sherlock-x.x.x.jar command.

Alternatively, Sherlock can be run directly within the gradle environment using the command gradlew(.bat) bootRun, this has no prior requirements, does not require or produce jar/war files and can be run directly on a fresh clone of the repo. This command enables more detailed logging to console, which can also be achieved using the VM option: -Dspring.output.ansi.enabled=ALWAYS -Dspring.profiles.active=dev.

SherlockClient should be used as the starting class in a development environment.

CSS and JavaScript

This project uses Sass (https://sass-lang.com/) to compile the CSS files for the web interface, the Sass files are stored in src/main/sass. The original JavaScript files are stored in src/main/javascript. Please do not edit the CSS or JavaScript files in src/main/resources/static, any changes you make to these files will be overwritten. Gradle will automatically compile the CSS files and minify the Javascript files when you run gradlew(.bat) build.