
help setting OpenVPN Server

Primary LanguageShell


help setting OpenVPN Server
** it's Debain based script.
** I failed to set protocol as tcp in previous version. I'll check it soon.

setting server

  1. run set_server.bash with root privilege
  2. enter the server information(the questions are numbered.)
  3. just click enter when the default value is set (it's in [ ])
  4. when the question "Confirm request details" shown, enter "yes"
  5. the server is automatically set & started

add client

  1. run add_client.bash with root privilege
  2. enter the client information
  3. just click enter when the default value is set (it's in [ ])
  4. when the question "Confirm request details" shown, enter "yes"
  5. the ovpn setting file is at /root/client-configs/files/

add client ip to firewall's allow list

  1. run add_allowed_ip.bash with root privilege
  2. enter the client's public ip to allow
  3. done!

if you want to allow from any ip

  1. I don't recommend this option since it can make your system vulunerable.
  2. ufw status numbered
  3. find the index of "deny [port]/[protocol]"
  4. ufw delete [index]

if you want to allow using ovpn file on multiple device

  1. I don't recommend this option since it can make your system vulunerable.
  2. open the /etc/openvpn/server.conf
  3. uncomment "duplicate-cn"
  4. restart openvpn@server : "systemctl restart openvpn@server"